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The new spawn gear is pathetic. I am getting spawn killed by bandits and zombies, hell, I haven't been able to survive five minutes since the change in spawn gear.

"Oh, the new spawn gear is designed to make players a less target to bandits."

NO IT DOES NOT! Bandits are still killing me just for my bandages and painkillers, only now I can't fight back.

"It discourages new players from becoming bandits."

It also ENCOURAGES bandits to prey on the new players.

This needs to be fixed, bring the Makarov back with the starting gear.

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i got out of shore, moved into electro, looted what i needed, found loads of guns, got out...

Stop trying to play rushing it all... i did this in when zombies can see you FAAAARRR, you be a little more careful.

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i got out of shore' date=' moved into electro, looted what i needed, found loads of guns, got out...

Stop trying to play rushing it all... i did this in when zombies can see you FAAAARRR, you be a little more careful.


I have been crouch walking everywhere, and bandits and zombies are still attacking me.

The zombies aren't even the big problem, its the bandits! How can you defend yourself without a gun?!

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You dont! you are seemingly way to much in sight, get inlands and get a gun. Crouch still makes you a big target, try proning more.

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avoid then, if you notice someone walking around your location move away, until you either know the person is friendly, or simply stay hidden until the area is clear, it's highly unlikely that they'll come back inside a building they just looted, and sometimes there might be some stuff left for you.

Being careful and having patience is the main key.

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The zombies aren't even the big problem' date=' its the bandits! How can you defend yourself without a gun?!


Don't go where the bandits are. Seriously places like Cherno and elekro are bandit havens.

Leave the coast as soon as you can, maybe stealth one of the small costal villages for loot but then move inland ASAP.

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There needs to be defense from bandits. There has to be.

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Spawning period is broken. Now with zombies being stupid cheap, I've been swarmed/killed the second I spawn. It's ridiculous.

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Spawning period is broken. Now with zombies being stupid cheap' date=' I've been swarmed/killed the second I spawn. It's ridiculous.


The mechanic has changed and you need to adapt. its no harder than it was before... just different.

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Spawning period is broken. Now with zombies being stupid cheap' date=' I've been swarmed/killed the second I spawn. It's ridiculous.


The mechanic has changed and you need to adapt. its no harder than it was before... just different.

I'm supposed to adapt to being swarmed instantly?

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There was a thread, and we all voted to remove the old gear.

You obviously were not part of the majority, get over it.



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step 1: spawn near batola

step 2: go to batola airfield/military tents/deer stands

step 3: enjoy

I actually did' date=' that was my longest time alive. But I went up into the tower, then fell through the floor, breaking my leg. I tried to crawl to the nearest town, but got shot by a bandit for my Lee Enfield.


There was a thread' date=' and we all voted to remove the old gear.

You obviously were not part of the majority, get over it.



Don't use the American flag, America is not a democracy, it is a republic. Shows what you know.

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The new spawn gear is pathetic. I am getting spawn killed by bandits and zombies' date=' hell, I haven't been able to survive five minutes since the change in spawn gear.

"Oh, the new spawn gear is designed to make players a less target to bandits."

NO IT DOES NOT! Bandits are still killing me just for my bandages and painkillers, only now I can't fight back.

"It discourages new players from becoming bandits."

It also ENCOURAGES bandits to prey on the new players.

This needs to be fixed, bring the Makarov back with the starting gear.


i've spawned in 10 times since the switch and have yet to be killed while defenseless

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or go to a server with less people to get a few essentials? Ever think of that?

something something game immersion is a goal something something

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Most bandits hang out in big cities, try farming the smaller towns. There's good loot in small towns too. Check the woods for deer stands, and get some good weapons there also. Always keep moving, don't stay in one location for too long and you'll avoid the pesky bandits a little better.

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Stop whining, it's a big improvement.

Most likely you've died once through your own fault of not being cautious enough, got mad, and decided to come on the forums and moan, exaggering how often and how fast you died.

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Don't use the American flag' date=' America is not a democracy, it is a republic. Shows what you know.


Hahaha...since when? It's a popularity contest now.

DayZ is broken, shattered to pieces, but rocket says that's going to happen. It's all about fixing the little things bit by bit and watching the game slowly form. Zombies are fixed as of and the kill-whoring will be on the chopping block in due time.

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