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Need a Co-Player for My DayZ Series

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Hello, first of all if you do not have a good quality mic/computer please don't bother reading on.



So you have a mic which is good enough to not sound crap over TS/Skype, great! Now I am looking for an experienced DayZ player who I can continue my series with, my old partner gave up on the mod saying it was too buggy and quite frankly I got annoyed with him because he was 50% of the series meaning I couldn't continue it anymore. 


What you need to be to be my partner in crime:


  • Good at DayZ, spotting, communication etc
  • Know how to follow orders and not fuck it up (I am not too bossy don't worry)
  • Speak English well
  • Be able to stick to a recording time, if we agree be on at 8:00pm GMT for example don't come on at 9:30pm and expect me to be on waiting, its courtesy, my word is my bond etc.
  • Mature, I would personally prefer 16-25 but if you have a deep enough voice and you aren't a squeeker then don't worry you can still contact me because I am only 16.
  • A good microphone and a PC which can run DayZ well enough to avoid crashes and major FPS Lag etc.
  • That's pretty much it!



Please note guys this is not a paid position, its helping me out, my production value is what I would consider to be some of the best series on YouTube (It has been compared to Frankies on a regular basis and when I sit down to edit I do it in half day sittings, a typical 30 minute episode takes me 20-24 hours to edit)


If you have a YouTube channel yourself then I will allow you to upload the series to your channel as well and I will obviously give you credit in the description etc etc. 


We will be the next "Frankie and Jack".



Please contact me on skype if you would like to apply.


Skype is 


If you want wan example of what my series is please watch this video:


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yeah I have a youtube and I make dayz episodes I may be down add me on skype joeyohara1

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