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I'm new, finally got dayz after months of painful waiting



I hope my pc won't let me down on this one, and I hope to see you guys in-game!

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Greetings. Should you have any questions, concerns or complaints, feel free to send me a message.

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I remember first playing DayZ


Cherish these moments, they will be your best :)

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Hey there. Welcome to the community.

Please make sure you're aware of our Forum Rules and should you have any problems, questions or inquiries, my inbox is open 24/7.

I hope to see you around. ^^

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Welcome.  I would suggest looking into DayZero so your first experiences aren't ruined by the many hackers found in public DayZ servers.

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Welcome my hmmm friend? If you feel like murdering folks(survivors) contact me. I might be a lot of help for you for sniping people or murdering 'em with an axe.

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I would recommend this server for you, I play on it for some time now. I especially like that there are save bases. That are bases from which no one can steal you something.

The people are nice and helpfully, not all but most of them! The only thing u have to do is download DayzOverwatch via. DayzCommander.The DayzOverwatch Mod brings some new Skins,Vehicles,Weapons and Helicopters into the Game, its AWESOME :-)



Btw sry for my bad english^^ i gave my best.

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