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Hackers and Exploits

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Completely fucking fed up with dying due to some total fucktard child who thinks he's '1337' by hacking day z servers and killing everyone.

In light of this happening to me three times in the past 7 days, (every time being very well geared), I would like to suggest a restore point from unknown deaths. Or some system similar. It's very frustrating when this sort of thing happens, after spending hours getting your gear and being careful to avoid zombies and other players.

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wait... what kind of hacks are you talking about? I've been around toons of servers and in none of those have i seen some kind of hack like that. What exactly does it (if it even is a hack).

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Sorry this has happened multiple times to you but this is still basically a one man operation and what you are asking for is incredibly complicated. If they allow people to start requesting their gear back due to problematic deaths they will be inundated with requests, with legitimate claims such as yours, but plenty of bogus ones as well. Trying to track down the cause of each one and possibly restore their character is a lot to ask.

Try some different servers if you are playing just one and see if you have better luck.

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