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I've only been playing about 2 weeks but the amount of friendlies I have met is shocking. From a randomer pulling up beside me on a motorbike giving me a lift, to running town to town with people I bumped into in the cities. Even a bandit saved me with his own bandages and blood bags in Elektro, gave me tips on where is best to go, how to avoid zombies and then went on his way (and I had a gun). And that's only a few. (Of course I've been killed plenty of time by bandits but from the short time I've played I can see there are plenty of friendlies.)

Edited by CR1PPER

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I've done some quick calculations with my TI-84 here and according to your theory:


Things we know:

Bandits = Not Friendly

Survivors = Neutral (unless stated otherwise by individual survivor)

Heroes = Friendly (unless shot at)


Things you are telling us:

Bandit = Not Friendly

Survivor = Not Friendly

Hero = Not Friendly



Bandit = Hero

Which means Bandits are friendly medics.

And Heroes are murdering scum.


Mind = Blown.

that 100 dollar calculator was worth every penny wasnt it? I try to hero and ive seen people do it. a pair of banits who get hero skins for one another, i only really trust a hero if he can be vouched for a by random people online and if he is alone. not foolproof but better that nothing i guess

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I have a different experience, I just started today, I met 2 other fresh spawns on a road.

I called for them to stop, spoke with them, and partnered with one of them while the third guy went on his own.

I stuck with him for at least an hour and we became friends until I died of thirst and he died of a zombie attack.


Later on tonight I met another guy in Electro, he surprised me while I was looting the hospital and yelled out friendly.

Not only did he let me live, he gave me a weapon to clear out the hoard outside the window (for some reason the zombies couldn't get past the thin sheet of broken glass) and led me to another gun to arm myself with.


The only people I've met so far in DayZ have helped me, yet now that I have a gun I feel as if anyone would be willing to kill me for my stuff.

Was it the fact that I was unarmed and had nothing useful that sent away Bandits or was it just luck that the people I met helped me?

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Luck. dont go to electro, cherno, stary, NWAF, or basically anywhere.  Just hide in the forest eating raw bunnies and getting sick.

Edited by creeperbane

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The only people I've met so far in DayZ have helped me, yet now that I have a gun I feel as if anyone would be willing to kill me for my stuff.

Was it the fact that I was unarmed and had nothing useful that sent away Bandits or was it just luck that the people I met helped me?


 It's a bit of both...there are people, a lot of the 'old school' bandits, who will let you live and maybe even give you a lower-level gun to defend yourself with at the beginning if they see that you're a 'bambie' (fresh spawn). One can only think that this is just so that you'll survive long enough to get good gear and they'll kill you later on after you've saved them time by looting the stuff for them :p


Then there are those who just want to see the world burn and will kill anything that moves. These are the plague of DayZ and the reason that I have a hard time trusting people, but more than that, why people have a hard time trusting me; i.e. I can't get my hero skin because people won't trust me long enough for me to come to where they are and bandage them and give them a blood transfusion lol.

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Not trusting "friendlies" is just common sense. I've hardly ever heard a Bandit say that they weren't friendly.


When confronted with, "Are you friendly", most are going to say, "Yes". Mostly because; a. They've been spotted, and b. The other player has the drop on you. What's going to happen if you say no? You're probably getting shot.


I've also hardly ever had an invite from ANYONE that didn't turn out to be some kind of set-up. So, I don't tell people where I am when asked. If I'm going to help someone I drop the loot in a spot and tell them where it is and leave the area. If they don't want to trust me then they don't have to come get the gear. Any offer of help can be a set-up. Any supply drop can be an ambush. If you're desperate enough to go for it then you're probably low enough on supplies and health that it probably doesn't matter if you get killed.


That's not to say I haven't lucked out and come across truly friendly people who are looking for a team-mate. That has lead to some good times. But, the mistrust is part of the tension that all of us in some way obviously are wanting from this. THAT is what makes DayZ a superior product to the cookie-cutter titles getting cranked out.

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My last friendly story developed like this:


A new player spawns on an Rmod server I play on. He asks for help, I did my usual supply drop. After a couple of hours of giving him play tips I decided to accept his offer to teach him how to better play the game.


I dropped my better gear off at my stash and took in some standards. Packed some similar gear in a vehicle and went to meet him. Gave him some decent starting gear (med supplies, food, extra water bottle, G17, M4A3 CCO and 10 stanag mags). We then started looting some spots and looking for helo crashes so I could show him how to approach and lure out zombies. It got dark so we then ran around doing night operations. Before I logged off after playing with the guy for about 4 hours, I dropped him off at an armored vehicle I had found earlier so he could store his own spoils and sent him on his way so he could establish his own stash spot.


It was a lot of fun. Finding fellow survivors can happen. Don't give up but accept that treachery is all apart of the game play. I even joked with a buddy on Raidcall that the most valuable lesson I could have taught the kid was to have blown up the apc while he was driving away and say, "By the way, don't trust anyone". But, I didn't.


Have fun.

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