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No "object_data" table & some more PH questions

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hey guys,


We're hosting a private Hive server now. But I also want to add more buildings on the map - So I read a few tutorials. But there is no "object_data" table in my database, but I need it to create a building on a special spot...

Did I do something wrong?


Also I want some special players to spawn with a custom (but in DayZ included) skin. Is that possible?

And if yes, how?


Really, I googled for two days now and couldn't find any solutions to these questions :\

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you are probally using the reality hive files that has no object data table the table you are looking for is buildings and instance_building 

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yeah your using a reality build just without the tables migrated that probably means the server files hasn't been build to use them either.
your best converting them to sqf and exec the file from your init.sqf 
like so 
When you are done in the editor and save your mission file as MyMapName.
it goes here: C:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\ArmA 2\missions\MyMapName (or somewhere close to that you should know if you know where your .bedi is)
Open the mission.sqm file in MyMapName folder.
Copy all of this good stuff:

_vehicle_11 = objNull;if (true) then{  _this = createVehicle ["Land_Mil_Barracks_i", [4635.2856, 10493.992, 3.0517578e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];  _vehicle_11 = _this;  _this setDir 58.857197;  _this setPos [4635.2856, 10493.992, 3.0517578e-005];};

Each one of those bad boys is a building... make sure you do not copy the playable character you used in the editor.
Now create a new file called buildings.sqf <--- name can be anything you like.
Now in that file you want it to look like this: (Same lines as above with a little editing to make it run)

if (isServer) then { _vehicle_11 = objNull;if (true) then{  _this = createVehicle ["Land_Mil_Barracks_i", [4635.2856, 10493.992, 3.0517578e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];  _vehicle_11 = _this;  _this setDir 58.857197;  _this setPos [4635.2856, 10493.992, 3.0517578e-005];};};

And save this file in your mission folder in a folder called buildings.
Now in your mission folder open your init.sqf and add this at the bottom somewhere:

//buildings[] ExecVM "buildings\buildings.sqf";

(you change the "buildings.sqf" to whatever name you called your buildings :)) 
to answer your other question you are also missing the tables for the custom loadout required for the skinning question 
what host do you use


  there is a button for special bbcode at the top of the edit box or you can use  {spoiler}{/spoiler}  change the { }to [ ]

Edited by AmberHelios
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my host is gameserver.gamed.de


But so you mean to tell me that I have to create these files locally in my DayZ-Client?

I found some mission folders, but they're all empty - so I couldn't find a .bedi file


Thank you so much for you help, but I'm really a noob in configuring a DayZ-Server (except for the database :D)

Edited by NoKillsException
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can you access the mission files and server files (pbo)


you use the arma editor 


like so 




extract your mission file 


then follow the instructions above 


repack the files and upload to the server 


if you have no access to the files then it cannot be done if i add the tables required you cant use them without editing the server files 

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