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Easy ways to make a private hive?

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Is there a way to easily make a private hive?, I just want to make one so I can practice the game with my friends.

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id recommend just going onto an empty server.


you can either rent one from dayz,st or something and just lock it for the two of you.


or you can set up a server using dayz command center (google it)


but tbh if you want to "practice" dayz, there is nothing like the real thing.

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The official dayz command center site will not work :/

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id recommend just going onto an empty server.



This. Find a server that's empty or only has 1 or 2 players. Usually very low population servers have friendly people on. There are 100's of empty servers just waiting for someone to join.

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Also even though the servers do have some pop US2419 / US1503 are hosted by TMW, so most people on there are friendly 

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