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Warning: Suspicious download links, teamviewer and CD-Key theft

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We have had a few cases now where users have registered on the forums posting or messaging other users with download links claiming to be various fixes, tweaks etc in an attempt to convince users to download malware, in many cases stealing their CD-Keys which are then on-sold to hackers or worse.


To keep yourself safe, never download anything that isn't from a known and trusted source. This is basic internet security people!


If you see a suspicious link posted on the forums or sent to you in a Private Message, report it. 

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A friendly reminder, a member has recently had their CD Key stolen after giving another member access to their PC via TeamViewer in order to assist with a problem they were experiencing. If you give someone remote access to your PC either through TeamViewer or any other means they will be able to access your registry and obtain your CD Key (as well as any other personal data and files on your PC). Do not trust strangers with that access and please report any suspicious users asking for that information.

Edited by SmashT
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