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Tell Me Ur Most Exciting Kills On Dayz

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And if I remember right, I got onto the bike, started it, was totally green, but got off cause I got scared. Also remember the guy had an M4 im pretty sure.

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This might be a long one:


Yesterday a

A buddy (hero) and I were south west of stary-ish on our way to zub castle to the east. We'd just logged in so we were just sort of meandering through the woods. Suddenly I spot a helo crash and a bandit and ghillie killing infected around it with what sounded like a Winnie.

So of course I pull out my m24, zero to 500 meters and take a shot: hits the ghillie in the torso and the two of them run east ish over a low rise and are out of sight.

Set up:

My target (harmonica) begins trash talking me in side chat and telling me how terrible I am for not being able to headshot a stationary target at 500 meters. While I do a bit of snobbish trolling in response, we head eastward (on a heading that would take us just south of zub castle). We find a Huey on our way that only needs engine parts.

We decide to head north east to attempt to locate engine parts. As we begin the ascent toward the castle, we spot a few dead infected corpses. Once we reach the south western retaining wall near the gatehouse, I hear voices in direct chat. He is laughing about how my buddy and I (same clan tag) are a clan and were still unable to kill them.

At this point Aaron and I are both shaking with sweaty hands; anticipating the sweet, sweet punishment we would administer upon these two (Silence and Harmonica).

The stakeout:

So after making a lot of threats in his direction over side chat, him telling us to meet him at the castle (which he informed me he was well over a mile south of) and me telling him he was an idiot to think I would actually go to a place he'd announced over sidechat, I told him I was gathering engine parts on the east coast for a heli I had found (I would say we had been lying in wait for 15-25 minutes. With the adrenaline it's hard to say now.)

Immediately after I sent this blatant lie over sidechat, his buddy exclaims over direct, "they must have found that help south east of here. Lets go f**k it up so he can come back and find it all messed up."

What I haven't mentioned yet is that I was equipped with an m4hologl an had 2 HE rounds on my person.

"Let's go out one by one just in case somebody is outside." I see movement at the top of the doorway as 2 sets of legs move right to left on the landing opposite the door.

I tap F twice and lob an m203 through the doorway and am rewarded with:

Harmonica was killed.

I reload and quickly hammer a :) into side chat. I fire off a second round:

Silence was killed.

The complaining and accusations of bad sportsmanship (because i tricked them?) that ensued nearly brought tears to my eyes. I'd told him that I was going to smash a frag through his teeth and done just that.

Aftermath: between the two of them they had an m14, l85 holo, fal, and Winchester. The 3 antis in the survival acu were nice too.

One of the more exciting encounters with bandits/hostiles I have had in a long time.

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I'm just getting back into dayz so this was a year ago. I was in berizino with my buddy in a server we regularly play in. It was a US East server and it was like 3-4am so there was only one other person in it. We figured it would be pretty much impossible to run into this person so we were looting and looking for parts throughout the town. We go into those project buildings with like 3 floors and on the 2nd floor we hear someone over voice chat. He didn't see us or anything i literally believe he just hit capslock or w/e he had binded on accident as we didn't hear a voice just like a faint mic static. My buddy starts talking over voice chat saying he's a friendly while I'm just planning on luring him and robbing him. He gives the wrong location just in case and the other guy refuses to let us know where he is. So I'm thinking hes somewhere outside or in one of the other buildings, don't pay too much attention to it and continue upstairs to the 3rd floor before heading out to look for him. Sure enough when I walk into one of the rooms I see the guy and we both start firing. We hit each other but he only breaks my leg so my buddy quickly came up and fixed me up. The dude immediately logs off after he was killed. I've def had more exciting firefights and other encounters this is just one I will remember the most as I find it the funniest b/c I never had the mentality of be prepared for anything! Seriously, I never would have figured that to happen..I also was less experienced at the time so I've def became more weary after that experience. He had gps and nvgs which my buddy needed so was a decent find.

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One time on Taviana I was riding a motorcycle with my slightly noobish friend on the back when, (we had got guns from a friendly at Dubavo) we stop at a fishing house at request of my friend to check it out. Then out of no where a black SUV pulls up and 3 guys get out, I evaluated the situation and said "Shit, lets get the fuck out of here!" but the 3 guys were already out of the vehicle. My friend says "No I want to die with dignity!" as he gets his first dayz kill with an m16 against someone with an M249. Realizing the fucking luck he just had I jump off my bike and start spraying down the other 2 with my Mk 16. My friend gets a few more shots on the other guy before passing out but I mange to finish off the other 2 without taking a hit. I run over to my friends body (who is on the ground bleeding) he says "Did I get a kill?" I go "Ya buddy you did!" and as i say that he goes "Yay" at the same moment i see his death message in chat. (I was bandaging him) In the SUV there was 3 AS50's and some food and medical supplys. The server restarted 30 seconds after my friend died and I didn't have enough time to get his stuff.

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I had a pretty good night last night after I got on.  I actually became a bandit on my server last night for the first time.  I made my way to to NEAF.  I don't know how this happened but there were 3 different people tucked away in buildings in NEAF.  I killed them all one by one from them being spread out and got my bandit skin.  Got a nice gun and a 4 wheeler :)  Wasn't much else there from them but hoping to get back on tonight and get some better gear.  NEAF is fun to snipe :)

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Ok then ladies and gents, bambis and pros!


Here is one of my favourite stories, the following events took place on my custom Dayz Epoch server and it all started a little like this.....


Me and one of my fellow survivors (Valyk) decided to take a ride out in the Blackhawk and took a little trip over Devil's Castle, which on our server is a Soldier Base!


Everything was going smoothly until we came under fire and took a clean shot to our engine block!


We were going down......


I quickly even her out and cut the engines and smashed to the floor in what could be called a poor attempt at a crash landing, safe to say we made it out of the crash alive but came under immediate fire from around 7-8 soldiers armed with small arms and some heavier bits of kit (Mk48's and M8 Series weapons) we dove for cover within the castle taking a few pot shots in the mad panic.


We regrouped behind a wall which was the only thing between us an a shit load of fire, at this point we decided to take a flank each and move in a pincer movement to get our revenge.


Valyk moved off to the right and stuck around to cover him, turns out I have some frags and smokes in my pack so I launch a couple of smokes over the wall follwed by a frag which subsequently nailed 3 soldiers causing mass panic!


We then moved into flanking positions and nailed the remaining soldiers with our M8's, I would love to say we made it out with the Hawk intact but this was lost during the fire fight (Nothing to do with some frags getting thrown into the mix!).


At this point me and Valyk were pretty amused and had a certain sense of acheivement until.......


A hail of bullets collided with the wall about 1m behind us, we hit the dirt and hit it hard!


A second hail of bullets came across smashing my leg in two forcing me to roll back into cover, at this point Valyk came and saved my ass with morpheine and blood bags!


At this point we used better jusdgement and got the hell out of dodge!


I hope you guys have enjoyed this little tale and I have a whole load more, let me know if you want to hear some more!!!



Edited by koldhaart

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Nvm about this. TOPIC is dead.

Edited by FL00D

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Im back after a year of inactive to revive this post

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Was raiding NEAF with my buddy during dark times. Low luminance. We had shotguns and winchesters.


After finishing the ATC tower, my buddy goes down and point blank runs into somebody and opens up on him - the other returns fire. I am at the second floor. Buddy runs back to reload while I supress fire. Miss him.

He reloads and supresses - misses. While I reload and look. It got even darker and I can just see his leg on the lower floor and fire a shot in his kidney taking him out. 


This all happend within 10 seconds or so it seemed.


200bpm moment right there. Even some palmsweat. We don't even check his stuff and run out of there in total darkness heading for the low ground forest. Got out alive and shook off the adrenaline.

Edited by Fulcrum

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