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Question: Can a player from Europe play on US servers without much ping problems?

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Hey, DayZ commander says my ping on US servers is 110-120 (I'm from central Europe). The reason I want to play on those is because I have some friends in USA and I want to team up with them. I know that 120 ping is problematic in for example Call of Duty, but how about DayZ? I'd check myself but I'm afraid that I wouldn't notice it until a fight where all my bullets would mysteriously miss my target because of the ping...


So any of you guys is playing on US servers from Europe or vice versa? How big the ping issue is?

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It's not a huge issue in DayZ

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I live in scandinavia,my ping to us servers are usally 160-180, and i can play on them with no problem at all.

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Ping isnt really the problem, the problem is your rig or the server wich you want to play on. 150 ping could be good and 10 ping could be bad.

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Pings up to around 200 shouldn't be a problem.

If you're playing on US server 150 is optimal for a European.

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We have people playing on our server that are from Australia, Sweden and a few other places across the pond and they usually ping about 110-120 and they say its not a big issue

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