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SA - Sleep in tent while logged off to repair minor injuries

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Basic idea is to add a sleep button to the tent, once you're inside it and sleeping you can log off and get maybe blood regen or minor injury repair. The idea being two fold in that a.) your body does most of its repairs while you're asleep, and b.) you're vulnerable if you do this because if people have found your tent, they could potentially camp it until you come back later.


I think the risk vs reward could make for some potentially awesome situations.


Maybe require a sleeping bag in your inventory to be able to sleep in the tent.

Edited by djzombie

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sorry should've marked this as a suggestion for the standalone, i haven't played origins, or any dayz in a very long time, and dont intend to until standalone.

Edited by djzombie

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can someone please explain to cactus what this new "snip" business is when ppl quote ?


In the last few days I've noticed on the forums.. 


is it a cool new way of quoting without quoting ? 



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It's an ok idea but people have suggested it alot. Also sleeping won't heal a gnshot wound, you have to pull it out your-self.

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