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All about DayZ Standalone in one Thread! Pics,Vids and posts. PART2

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Link for part 1 http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/139908-all-about-dayz-standalone-in-one-thread-picsvids-and-posts/
Feel Free to talk from the stuff you guys are reading thats why this is here. PART 2!!!

Devblogs will be marked as Gray. Screenshots as Light blue, Videos as Light Green
Important notes as Red and Extra Large.
Hello there I decided to make thread where you can watch, read and tell your opinions about the upcoming DayZ Standalone.
Reason why I made Part 2 is because I could not fit all the info to the first ones main page.
My personal comments are not made with sexy Pink!
MORE SCREENSHOTSS FROM AUGUST 3rd Finally starting to look like the real game, guns and clothing look awesome!



Then theres the video, date is same. Love the first 2 minutes of the video! :)

Gamescom 2013 video. Gratz DayZ standalone for winning the peoples choice award!

More Gamescom 2013 most of this is in english the beginning is in spanish..

Deutschland anyone?

Gimme a break more Gamescom 2013...

More from the land of Beers and Sausages.

Cut me some slack!!!!

Gameplay starts on 9.40 thank me later.

Polygons DayZ Article

Blame it on the mountain.
DayZ no longer has a release window for its alpha, a long awaited early build of the zombie action-survivor Arma 2 mod that is becoming its own game.
After missing several of his own deadlines for releasing the alpha, developer Dean Hall can't bring himself to announce another one to fans.
"I've made a heck of a lot of mistakes giving out release dates," Hall said in a meeting at Gamescom. "We don't have any release dates internally anymore."
Instead, he told Polygon, he and his team are going to focus on completing the alpha. The team has a checklist to work off of and once it's done they'll release the alpha. That list, he said, is down to a single check box: Networking.
That's despite the fact that last year Hall essentially rebooted the game.
"It was a very grim time last year," he said. "I took a bunch of massive risks.
"We realized we needed to redo everything and that didn't go over very well. In December we had nothing to show for it, nothing. It was very, very awful. Our worst fears were realized."
And then in March, in the shadow of his worst year, Hall flew to Kathmandu to start a two-month journey to climb Mount Everest. The timing was both terrible and serendipitous.
His trip to realize the life-long dream of climbing Everest had been planned the year before at a time when he was sure his work on DayZ wouldn't be as lengthy.
"I did need a break, he said. "But in our wildest nightmares we didn't think DayZ development would still be going on."
Hall went to the CEO of Bohemia Interactive and told him he was thinking of canceling the trip, that it was really bad timing.
"He told me, ‘If you pause your life to work on DayZ, you're going to keep putting off everything,'" Hall said. "I'm glad I ended up doing it, but I still haven't had time to reflect."
Hall's harrowing trip, punctuated by work on the game at base camp (and not a little time playing the original XCOM on a tiny laptop), didn't include a lot of post-climb downtime.
But it was during an overnight stay at a hotel in Kathmandu, a single evening that bridged the gap between his time spent climbing Everest and his return to work, that Hall had an epiphany of sorts.
"I remember opening the door after coming straight from basecamp after two months on a mountain and thinking how huge the laptop looked," he said. "I looked at my laptop and reflected. One moment I was a soldier working on a hobby project and here I was 12 months later working on a big gaming having just climbed Mt. Everest. It was amazing. I thought about what was important and what mattered. I decided I wanted to make the game I wanted to play, even if it meant only 1,000 played it."
Forty-six hours later, Hall was back in Prague, back at his desk, working once more on DayZ.
Before that moment in the hotel, Hall said he was worried about losing momentum with the game, but now he's mostly worried about making the sort of game that DayZ's players deserve.
And now the game is once more almost complete, at least the alpha. Once the alpha ships there is the beta to work on and finally the game to ship.
Even though there is still alpha and beta to finish developing, Hall is already thinking about other things he might include in the retail package.
For instance, while a core concept for the game is the idea of immersive, player-directed story telling, he's thinking about hiring writers for the game.
"But that's more for 1.0," he added.

PC GAMESN Article from Gamescom.

Sloshy receptacles of human fluid have been a part of DayZ for yonks, found in medical boxes near hospitals or crashed helicopters. A Blood Bag will restore a character’s Blood level - the primary measurement of their health - and increase the public standing of the player performing the transfusion, who might otherwise be deemed a dreaded bandit.

Only in development of the game’s standalone edition, however, have Bohemia given players the means to, er, acquire bags of the plasmic stuff themselves. And the implications are quite frightening.

“There’s a lot of [new] player-based interaction,” said Dean ‘Rocket’ Hall as he walked our Tim through some of the game’s newest features. He noted that other players can “actually see a blood bag in my hand”, thanks to a roguelike-influenced emphasis on “texture-based feedback”.

In the standalone game, that blood bag can be connected to an IV starter kit via the new crafting system. And once you've done that, it’s good for use in the fleshy appendages of the walking blood banks you’ll share a server with.

“So you’ll get a warning message saying, ‘Such-and-such is starting to take blood from you’,” explained Hall. “And then I get a blood bag in my inventory. I could take an IV starter kit, I could connect that to a saline kit or a blood bag.”

When asked about the range of interactions blood bags could now engender, Hall jumped almost disconcertingly quickly to the idea of human IV farming.

“I can’t show you, because of the age restrictions [at Gamescom] - for some reason you can kill people, but handcuffing and killing them is just abhorrent,” he said. “But the same mechanic applies when you get cuffs [and make players prisoners] - you can still blood them.”

Then it dawned: you could essentially have people as blood slaves?

“Yeah, exactly,” replied Hall.

Devblog 7th September 2013

VentureBeat DayZ Creator claims the mod scene is 'adapting'

The creator of one of the most popular recent PC gaming mods is defending modding from the claim that it is in decline.

Dean “Rocket” Hall, who created the DayZ zombie-survival mod for Bohemia’s military shooter Arma 2, posted a blog today titled “Modding is not in decline — it’s changing (like it always has).” The post is in response to a story from website Develop Online that suggests fewer people are making “total conversion” modifications to existing titles.

Total conversions are a type of mod that takes a game, like Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, and changes it into something else entirely, like a Star Wars shooter. Hall argues that total conversions are not the only the type of mod.

“[Develop Online's article] seems to assume that all mods are total conversions, or that the ultimate mod is a total conversion,” wrote Hall. “If we take DayZ, for example, it’s not a total conversion of the ArmA2 game but more of a ‘derailing.’ And in fact, the mods of the mod, such as DayZ Zero and many others, are arguably more popular today than the base mod.”

Hall points to titles like the popular space-flight simulation Kerbal Space Program that has a health community building add-on modules for it.

“[Kerbal Space Program is] gloriously easy to mod, as it doesn’t have a vast swathe of complex shaders, textures, and complex asset requirements,” wrote Hall. “Not surprisingly, it has a shit-ton of mods.”

The DayZ creator also listed Sins of a Solar empire, Company of Heroes, Prison Architect, and Minecraft as other examples of games that welcome modders and get plenty of support.

“Take a look at steam workshop for the great bounty of mods available for any game that supports it,” he wrote.

But it is true that many triple-A games have far less support from modders, but Hall says that’s not the fault of the community.

“As less [triple-A] games support modding, there are less total conversions of triple-A games,” he wrote. “The creative people [that are] tinkering have moved to areas that support the tinkering.”

Battlefield developers DICE, for example, supported modding in its earlier games and teams like Project Reality are still working to release mods for games like Battlefield 2. Since then, DICE cut off support for mods in its more recent titles. Unsurprisingly, the community moved elsewhere.

Hall also notes that as more people get access to the tools to make their own games, they’re going to go that route if they can’t mod their favorite games.

“Unity makes it easier than ever before to make a game,” wrote Hall. “It’s easier than ever to get out there and make something. When AAA games stop providing the tools, but other games/options are available, what were modders going to do?”

The DayZ developer, who is currently working on DayZ Standalone at Bohemia, finished by saying that professional developers “need to get over themselves.”

“I’m smart enough to know there are far smarter people than me out there,” he wrote. “Maybe they lack the connections or they are too busy curing cancer in their day job to get into games — but at night they mod my game, at night they do better than I do, and the next day they inspire me to make my game better.

“If modding is ‘dead’ then it’s seen more life in death than it did before anyway, you just have to know where to look.”

Some old images i missed... ;(
I personally feel like a total idiot right now as i saw the Mosin nagant as a Kar98K on the earlier pics.





Edited by Aporis
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Thanks as always for putting these together Aporis... You deserve many, many beans.

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Guns doesn't look that awesome for a 2013 game (more like a 2006 game). Arma 3 guns look WAAY better, don't know why they can't use them.

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Guns doesn't look that awesome for a 2013 game (more like a 2006 game). Arma 3 guns look WAAY better, don't know why they can't use them.


I may be totally wrong here, but I thought they hadn't finished the new gun models.


Anyone got any more insight on this?

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Also, fraggle had a couple of great quotes that I noticed in some screenshots taken from this video... I can't find them now, but Fraggle was made (or volunteered) to demonstrate all the kidnapped poses (hand up, hands bound behind the back etc...).


Try to look for em in the video above! :)

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I see the blue backpacks look alot like Osprey backpacks in the real world


i like the new backpacks as they finally have shoulder straps

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Added ton of new stuff. Phew. Hope you guys enjoy it

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Cool, looking forward to it...be a nice Christmas gift...hint, hint.

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Added a new video and an article


Devblog 7th September 2013


VentureBeat DayZ Creator claims the mod scene is 'adapting'

The creator of one of the most popular recent PC gaming mods is defending modding from the claim that it is in decline.

Dean “Rocket” Hall, who created the DayZ zombie-survival mod for Bohemia’s military shooter Arma 2, posted a blog today titled “Modding is not in decline — it’s changing (like it always has).” The post is in response to a story from website Develop Online that suggests fewer people are making “total conversion” modifications to existing titles.

Total conversions are a type of mod that takes a game, like Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, and changes it into something else entirely, like a Star Wars shooter. Hall argues that total conversions are not the only the type of mod.

“[Develop Online's article] seems to assume that all mods are total conversions, or that the ultimate mod is a total conversion,” wrote Hall. “If we take DayZ, for example, it’s not a total conversion of the ArmA2 game but more of a ‘derailing.’ And in fact, the mods of the mod, such as DayZ Zero and many others, are arguably more popular today than the base mod.”

Hall points to titles like the popular space-flight simulation Kerbal Space Program that has a health community building add-on modules for it.

“[Kerbal Space Program is] gloriously easy to mod, as it doesn’t have a vast swathe of complex shaders, textures, and complex asset requirements,” wrote Hall. “Not surprisingly, it has a shit-ton of mods.”

The DayZ creator also listed Sins of a Solar empire, Company of Heroes, Prison Architect, and Minecraft as other examples of games that welcome modders and get plenty of support.

“Take a look at steam workshop for the great bounty of mods available for any game that supports it,” he wrote.

But it is true that many triple-A games have far less support from modders, but Hall says that’s not the fault of the community.

“As less [triple-A] games support modding, there are less total conversions of triple-A games,” he wrote. “The creative people [that are] tinkering have moved to areas that support the tinkering.”

Battlefield developers DICE, for example, supported modding in its earlier games and teams like Project Reality are still working to release mods for games like Battlefield 2. Since then, DICE cut off support for mods in its more recent titles. Unsurprisingly, the community moved elsewhere.

Hall also notes that as more people get access to the tools to make their own games, they’re going to go that route if they can’t mod their favorite games.

“Unity makes it easier than ever before to make a game,” wrote Hall. “It’s easier than ever to get out there and make something. When AAA games stop providing the tools, but other games/options are available, what were modders going to do?”

The DayZ developer, who is currently working on DayZ Standalone at Bohemia, finished by saying that professional developers “need to get over themselves.”

“I’m smart enough to know there are far smarter people than me out there,” he wrote. “Maybe they lack the connections or they are too busy curing cancer in their day job to get into games — but at night they mod my game, at night they do better than I do, and the next day they inspire me to make my game better.

“If modding is ‘dead’ then it’s seen more life in death than it did before anyway, you just have to know where to look.”


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Some old images i missed... ;(


I personally feel like a total idiot right now as i saw the Mosin nagant as a Kar98K on the earlier pics.






Added few images

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