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CommanderX (DayZ)

Is this rare?

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It depends what kinda server you're on. If you're playing like hardcore vanilla then yes, but if it's 1000 CARZ 100 HELIS FOR DAYS! then no.

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Is it rare to find 2 helicopters on a server?!?!? in the same city one broken one repaired


If it's vanilla DayZ on the public hive, yes. Private servers? Fairly common lately.

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Oh and still installing arma 2 OA this is before


I'm confused, you can't play dayz if you haven't installed Arma 2:OA yet.

Edited by Fluxley

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That's pretty rare on a typical Vanilla Dayz server, like many have already mentioned. But there are servers out there (Private Hives) that have 500-1000 plus vehicles. 

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ok when I said a was installing arma 2 oa I was refering after I found the helicopters about 20 minuets after crashing I log out and exit arma and reinstall it due to stupid ass "Bad serial given at setup" and it still isn't working :/

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