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GrumpyGat (DayZ)

Anti's & Stuff

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So, I usually hate posting these suggestions because the chance of them actually being used are slim to none.


But I have two suggestions that I believe should be implemented as soon as possible.


1. A player should be able to "administer" antibiotics to another player, thus gaining additional humanity. and seeing how hard anti's are to find, it should be a decent amount of humanity gained.


2. You should be able to interrupt any activity (ie: refueling, repairing, using medical supplies, etc...) I cant stress enough how annoying it is to have zombies bashing your head in while you refill a jerrycan.


That is all. If you agree, let me know. If you don't, YOU SUCK.

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But hopefully humanity will be a thing of the past altogether in the SA...

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I agree with both suggestions. Might put both on my server tbh. see how it goes.

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Tis a good idea.


Granted, you can cancel giving bandages, bloodbags, etc. Also, once your player fully crouches down to eat/drink, holding "w" will break your character from the emote, allowing you to run (you still get the food and drink too). When reparing/filling a car with fuel, scroll, jump into the car, and jump out. Not only does this cancel the emote, but it still fixes/fuels the vehicle.

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Wow. Two good suggestions in one post.


Guys, I think we might have a winner.

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Yep, I think all types of medications should be usable on others.

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I don't see how someone else would give you medicine other than handing it to you. I imagine myself shoving some antibiotics into a coughing fresh spawn. Otherwise, I am in agreement.

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I don't see how someone else would give you medicine other than handing it to you. I imagine myself shoving some antibiotics into a coughing fresh spawn. Otherwise, I am in agreement.

has nothing to do with shoving anything in anyone's mouth... You already can administer pain killers, so obviously antis wouldn't be any different. I don't care how you want to play pretend in imagining how you are administering it, my point is for all those who find themselves constantly giving out antibiotics, attaining some sort of retribution.

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Guess I suck...


Just kidding... Agreed.

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What, you can't give out antibiotics out of the kindness of your heart? Cod kiddy! Rawr!

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You already can cancel actions. It just takes a second.


Like the antibiotic idea. Pain pills work the same way so I don't really see why not.

Edited by SalamanderAnder

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