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Squad/Group/Party System

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I'm recovering little pieces of old threads


Would it be possible to port the Group management system from Domination into Dayz?

So each player would be in his own private group' date=' and he'd have to invite others to join. Then they'd have their own private comms. channel.

For anyone unfamiliar with what I'm talking about, Group management can be accessed in Domination by going to Show Status, and then Team Status.



We need the ability to group up through an in-game menu allowing you to communicate



Ability' date=' via addaction for two or more players to join a group.

Eg approach a "Leader" player and ask to join his group or the leader of that group invites a non member to join his group via an addaction menu.

And if they have radio's, allow a version of shack tacs hud to initialise for each player in the group, on the condition there is more than 1 player in the group.

This group system would only be local to the server they were on, but could with a bit of coding (setvariable an array on the player the UID's of the other group members) be recreated when the players in that group find themselves on a different server, should they wish


Communication via DayZ is quite hard since direct chat doesn't work properly and the only alternative to this is side chat (which by the way, is usually removed).

This doesn't allow us to communicate ingame with our comrades privately.

It's been suggested a few times by other people and they made no effect, but I think that this is truly important encourage and help the teamwork ingame, making it way more comfortable.

For this, it could be used the group system offered by the game itself, the only problem I see is the interface to make this possible. Maybe in the interaction wheel when you're beside a player or something like that.

It doesn't necessarily have to be saved when you log out or when you join a different server, without this, it could be a great add.

TLDR: It has been suggested many times (and ignored) and It's a great add. A Group System to help the communication between you and your friends.

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Read again mate. Ingame.

Actually, I have a private TS for my friends, but when I find new people to meet with I see the lack of the communication ingame.

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Read again mate. Ingame.

Actually' date=' I have a private TS for my friends, but when I find new people to meet with I see the lack of the communication ingame.


yeah, sorry, i misunderstood. In your first post you say you'd like to have a way to communicate ingame with your COMRADES (friends?), which is not necessary really. You don't need a separate channel for your group imho, when you can have ts/vent. I'd say focus on the relevant, make the game flawless.

As for communicating with STRANGERS which is what you probably meant by comrades, yeah well idk. I'd say that a working direct is a MUST, about the side I'm not sure. It would surely increase player-player interaction, in both positive ("lets kill em zeds together") and negative ("i'm in cherno, need help badly" *ambush*")

one thing's for sure, it wouldn't be realistic, but hey, its a game after all.

In a way I like the game without constant shit-talk (even worse when it is in cyrillic), but on the other hand it would be nice to catch up with a total stranger and raid NW airfield.

Conclusion: "teams" and "clans" should organize their own teamspeaks/ventrilos whatever, day z does not have to offer a way to talk to buddies in private.

Working direct chat will surely help alot with other issues, about the side chat, I'd like to have it although its not "realistic". The issues with side chat are spamming with shit that doesn't have anything to do with day z, especially in cyrillic.

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i would like a group / faction system with uniform would be kool

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yeah' date=' sorry, i misunderstood. In your first post you say you'd like to have a way to communicate ingame with your COMRADES (friends?), which is not necessary really. You don't need a separate channel for your group imho, when you can have ts/vent. I'd say focus on the relevant, make the game flawless.

As for communicating with STRANGERS which is what you probably meant by comrades, yeah well idk. I'd say that a working direct is a MUST, about the side I'm not sure. It would surely increase player-player interaction, in both positive ("lets kill em zeds together") and negative ("i'm in cherno, need help badly" *ambush*")

one thing's for sure, it wouldn't be realistic, but hey, its a game after all.

In a way I like the game without constant shit-talk (even worse when it is in cyrillic), but on the other hand it would be nice to catch up with a total stranger and raid NW airfield.

Conclusion: "teams" and "clans" should organize their own teamspeaks/ventrilos whatever, day z does not have to offer a way to talk to buddies in private.

Working direct chat will surely help alot with other issues, about the side chat, I'd like to have it although its not "realistic". The issues with side chat are spamming with shit that doesn't have anything to do with day z, especially in cyrillic.


Probably I haven't explained myself properly so there isn't any problem about that.

Yep, Direct is a must and would probably fix this and improve teamwork with only that. I'd be pleased enough if direct works as it is meant to.

Anyways, what I meant isn't an special party system as in MMORPGs, is just to tweak the squad system (group chat) that includes ArmA to be working in DayZ. (But direct maybe offers a more realistic option to this post-apocalyptic context than the group chat)

The last thing I have to say is that I agree with you, and this is not a truly relevant fix. DayZ have to improve first a huge amount of things first, and this one isn't included in those things. I just don't want it to be forgotten.

Thanks for your opinion ^^

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Not everyone has the same software, aka: mumble / ventrilo

and an in-game grouping system would mean everyone with have the same tools, and thus the game would become far more accessible..

co-operation would prevail.

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why not just have encrypted radios - where you can share the frequency with others via direct

and one public frequency channel for announcements -

the radio should be in the starter pack or easy to find - batteries less so

There should actually be also be an actual radio station with a large radio transmitter -

whoever takes control of the radio station can make broadcasts and announcements to the whole island - that's realistic

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The grouping system is ArmA, not from 'domination', it is present in every mod pretty much, and the Vanilla game itself. Radios is a separate discussion that is on other threads.

If they can implement the grouping mechanic, great, group leaderboards for the upcoming factions Rocket has referred to. The reason it currently isn't in there is largely because of the way data is saved from leaders/groups/individuals.

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