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Arma 2 OA launcher crash

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So, after installing the newest patch for Overwatch I decided to get on and make my rounds through Kamenka and Balota, I fired up DayZ Commander, and joined my preferred server. The launch box got to the second to the last square, then stopped loading, I checked my task manager and it quit responding. Did this a few more times, so I refreshed my DayZ commander, I got redscript, and typically a reinstall fixes the issue, sure enough after a re-install Commander was in the clear. So I figured perhaps it was because Steam wasn't on. Turned Steam on, same issue. 


I tried launching through Steam, same issue. It would seem my launcher is crashing, I'm currently validating my caches, then I'm going to restart my laptop. 


If anyone has any additional insight, I'd be much obliged.

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How long are you waiting after the program doesn't respond?


Some of the time my Arma 2 stop responding and after 5-10 seconds it instantly boots up.

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Typically a minute or so, but the first couple of times I waited about five minutes.



Just finished validating Operation Arrowhead, 10 files failed to validate, DayZ commander says I don't even have the game installed now.


Gonna restart my laptop, and if that doesn't solve the issue I guess I'll reinstall OPA.


These random minuet errors that cause the game to completely screw up is beginning to piss me off.

Edited by Capgun_Outlaw

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