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Join The Wolf Pack

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                                                                           Wolf Pack


Brief description of the clan: We just try to survive. Think of what you would do in a real life situation. You would survive, make friends, and kill whoever got in your way. That is exactly what we will do. How we do it, is up to us. We play only vanilla (Plain) DayZ.


What I am looking for:

  • Someone who knows the game (Cause I'm a noob)
  • Other people

That's it. I just need some people to play with. Noobs are obviously welcome. Just email me you're Skype name and We'll figure it out from there.

Email: wirycross@yahoo.com


gray_wolf_pack_in_snow_42-16702662.jpg   Welcome to the pack.

Edited by WolfCrisis

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U see what he did there!


As a fellow Canadian I am glad to see you understand my ways and appreciate my shitty humor.

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