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Where are the bandits when you need them?

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Hello, fellow Post-Apocalypse Chernarus comrades!

Have you had the weird moment when you want to die,but you can't?The respawn/suicide button is disabled on the server I play,which isn't a problem if I wasn't playing on Veteran.Darn lasted 3 hours running around Kamenka,looting pepsi and beans,decapitating zombies with my trusty axe when all of a sudden the zombie I just killed with its dying breath infected me post-morthen.So what can I do now?Antibiotics are rarer than gold,and noone in Chernarus appears to need them,when they had alchocol to dissinfect wounds.Anyway I start yelling in DC that I am In Kamenka,slightly infected and dying,ready to just give away my backpack of items.5 Cans of Pepsi,4 Cans of Beans,3 M1014 Shell Mags,map,clock,6 bandages,1 toolbox and alot of flares and noone even made a attempt to attack me.Appearantly as soon as your infected,zombie spawn rates lower,because there where no zombies in the town.I thought most people didnt belive me so I kept scanning town for zombies.All of a sudden a wild blueberry appeard on the road,evident was his jack-ass knowladge of not being to remove the hatchet from his inventory,yet I approached and I gave my ACU backpack and my gear,at this sight the blueberry froze up,and a minute later ran through the way he came like a olympic champion neither taking any gear neither killing me,so I can respawn faster.

Interrestingly bandits prefer players with hatchets who have nothing but the hatchet and a single bandage for some reason than a guy filled with loot.So if anyone is reading this,next time you see someone request an execution,be kind enough to give him atleast that.

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is no risk or adrenalin feel kill some guy who want to die :|


we are bandits who look for fight :thumbsup:  not some euthanasia service for guys too much lazy for find one zed or jump from the roof  ;)

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Bro,there are no zeds once your infected and most villages dont have high places.Otherwise I try and jump off buildings.

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