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Xtreme Tactics - No Bullshit - Just Gaming. Looking for DayZ Origins players.

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Update: today we welcomed new players again, currently the are looking for groups, it would be awsome to welcome a new clan/group into our server that would like to make a hell for the rest of the other groups :) 

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Hello there,


I've been playing on this server for the past 3 days now and it's been really cool. Had a lot of fun, more than I ever had playing DayZ.

Everyone is really friendly and helpful and I'd definitely recommend that you join this server and this community. More players joining and looking for friends every day! 

Get in now! :) 


See you in game!


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Been playing here a few days and its been great! good mix of friendlies/bandits and there always seems to be someone wanting to team up

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Welcomed a new clan into the server! going with the flow ! 

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Still welcoming players our average age is between 20 - 40 years old

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Small bump! Population is getting higher everyday! wanna help us out come play with us! :) 

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Currently we welcomed a new clan to the server! the wolf pack! the are currently recruiting more players and already made a deal with a other ingame clan to take out a large party that has a lot of DMR's and NVG's. 

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As you may have seen, i didn't play dayz for the last 10 days, i am currently playing on another game and so i can't afford to play two games at the same time. But i am back !

And i will play Dayz everyday this week, now that i found the right community, i wish to find a perfect clan to join, i have already played with an american, but never seen him again due to the game times (i live in London) So i am looking for a clan to join and have fun with. i don't care if they are heroes or survivors. If "TheWolfpack" is ready to accept me into their clan i would be more than happy to simply say YES.


Thank you for reading,

I hope i'll see you around in Taviana...




(this image http://th03.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2013/106/f/0/dayz__dont_forget_your_beans__by_3dsamm-d61wvr2.jpg is really nice by the way shiro, Good Job !)

Edited by TheMackCod

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