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Xtreme Tactics - No Bullshit - Just Gaming. Looking for DayZ Origins players.

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Welcome To Xtreme Tactics!    :bandit:



News: 03-08-2013



We are pleased to announce that the our server is now open for all clans & idividuals ! If you are looking for high pvp action. Look no further! this is the one you are looking for :)


Our story:


Hello all! Let me introducé our team! call us Zombie & Shiro


In our past Day Z & Day Z other mods we had a lot of disappointed server experiences. When you are reading this you know already what i am talking about! Servers that disappear out of the blue when you are building your base with your friends or clan. You get kicked because you have a admin that is going on a personal crusade because you killed him. Or the servers are not getting the sufficient server resets. shall i continue? :)


Who are we:


We call ourselfs Xtreme Tactics.


What we are is pretty simple. We are just regular players and not a clan of any kind. What our aims are is that you as a player have fun without too much drama. You come on our server and play with players or clans like yourself. Either against each other or with each other that is up to you. You go your own direction as you see fit. We give you the opportunity to make your own squad or clan within our server without any heavy responsibilities.

Looking for a small squad? a large squad? bandit group or hero? want to be in a medic group. It is all possible here! No matter how old you are or how much you can play or what timezone you live in. 



What are we looking for:


Let me first of tell you in advance we provide. We have our own Teamspeak server where you and your clan or group can come on. If it is needed we will give you a private locked channel of your own and you can give it a own team channel. 


What we are looking for is basically very simple. Clans, Groups and idividuals. (of all ages and experience level) People that want to join our server and establish here and help us achieving our goals as a dayz community. Getting that feeling back again! and have some great focussed pvp action.




What can we offer?


Simple! the best Day Z experience possible you can get! high intens action against other groups and clans. Active admins and access to a free TS3 server where you and your group have a locked TS3 channel.


What is next?  


TS3 Details:




Server Details:




Come and join the fun! and let the games begin! If you are a clan or a group and you need a communication source please join our TS3 server and approach us. We make sure you get your own channel if you wish so


Just dont forget to introducé yourself when you get on our ts or server. 


We all hope we can offer you all a great experience in this game. 


Take care for now. 


Zombie & Shiro

Edited by whiteshiro
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Current Clans playing in our server:


Red Hour Infantry: 10+ Members

DayZ Darkness: 3+ Members

Seal Team Six: 6 Members

Edited by whiteshiro

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Good Afternoon all, 


Our server is getting more and more populated


If you need any information about our current project please do not be afraid and pop on our


Skype: Shiroratz 

Edited by whiteshiro

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Heavy action going around here! join the fun!

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Good afternoon all!, Squads, clans! and peeps come and join the fun if you are looking for some action!

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Lot of fun today! and met a lot of new players! lets keep it coming and we make groups soon :) all individual players out there are most welcome :) 

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News: 6/8/2013


We started a couple of days ago! things are going suprisely good. We are getting a lot of individual players that would like to team up with other people and go there own way. All in good spirit we always come to each other channels and have a laugh. Yesterday we cleared salvation city together and got big fat loot! when that was over a lot of us just continued there own way. I say come and join the fun! 

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If you've stumbled upon this topic then you're probably here for the same reason I was a few days ago. Well too say its a good server and decent bunch of people is an understatement. Not to lick anyone's arse, but I can quite honestly say I've never been more welcomed by a really awesome group of lads and fantastically looked after server with everything you're looking for in Dayz Origins.


Shiro means what he says up there^^ in this topic! There's no discriminate towards whatever your play style you have and what's more, It's extremely easy to team up with people if you so wish. There's always going to be someone there looking for the same thing as you. 


Quite often you'll see clans / groups / server owners or community's trying to recruit and then not follow through with anything or just don't have anything to offer once you get there and you end up doing the same monotonous solo crap like any other server you may have joined in the past. Along with not actually getting welcomed into that specific community. 


Not the case with the gents. Completely the opposite. 


I will say this, everyone here is mature (20+) and whats more, It's real easy to jump into the server, jump into TS3 and just shoot the shit and have a good laugh.


Anyway, take it or leave it, but that's my take on these lads and there's no pressure on any aspect. Jump on and have a chat with us! :)

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i'm looking for 2 people to join me in this specific server.i can offer some starting gear and transportation.I would prefer one spotter/sniper and one assault player.I'm bandit right now and going to keep it that way.but we are not going be asshole kind of bandits because Shiro and others are truly awesome guys and they have been working hard keeping this server up and running and giving other players chance to ultimate dayz experience.even so we are going to be bandits we are going to have strict rules on few things so we dont spoil admins work by being idiots and giving this server bad reputation.My goal is just to give other players something to "fear" ;) my squad will be organized,fast moving,tactical but with touch of humor :) and if i got it right we can have our own group channel on ts3. Shiro??


"You keep what you kill!"


If you are interested here's my info


Dayz player name:Helion_Prime


Languages:Finnish(main language) but also english


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Yesterday we reached 17+ people on the server that is now 6 days old! we will continue to make this server as populated as possible. 

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Joined Helion_Prime's squad, liking it so far! If you're looking for some nice players, Get into this server!

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Currently we have 3 teams on our server and more people are joining us everyday, Come and join the fun! 

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Currently we have 3 teams on our server and more people are joining us everyday, Come and join the fun! 

This server is really worth your time and effort :) a lot of friendly people!

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What Rennokz is true, this is a friendly server where you can make new friends, and get yourself a group going and hunt the other groups down!. Come and visit us on our TS3 server and poke me or zombie so we can give you a small intro! :)  

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Currently all servers our down! it is awsome to wait with 15people on ts3 and talking about games while we wait! :P

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Currently all servers our down! it is awsome to wait with 15people on ts3 and talking about games while we wait! :P

Then I'll give it a try when it comes up, just started playing dayz =)

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@Aural - the server is up, although there are updates rolling out today so all servers have been down.


Overall, this server has been great. My old server shut down so I was looking for a new Origins server, and found this one after some Googling. Within a few hours of joining, I had a group to roll with; a day later, the server admins gave our group its own channel. The community is looking great for PvP - come check it out.

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In reply to "Auralsynapse"

The server is up : b_160_400_1_ffffff_c5c5c5_ffffff_000000_


If you can't join the server then make sure you have installed Origins Mod (click on the top hand right corner of DC to see all available mod, scroll down to check out if Origins is properly installed).

Then go to favourite and add to the list : You should be able to join by clicking on it.


Still can't join ? My advice is to reinstall Dayz Commander, or ask help on Dayz Commander's forum.

Good Luck !



Edited by TheMackCod

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