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Is it possible to get/have female avatars?

Im sure there are some girl players out there who would prefer to play a female survivor?

I would like to see a way on making males be forced to play males and not females though, is that possible?

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I only knew 2 girls that played Arma. And one of em turned out to be a dude pretending to be a girl. Lets be honest, its not a very girly game, eh

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Is it possible to get/have female avatars?

Im sure there are some girl players out there who would prefer to play a female survivor?

I would like to see a way on making males be forced to play males and not females though' date=' is that possible?


Why bother? It's the internet.

I'm all for equal gender representation, but it's not a big issue in ArmA/DayZ imo.

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It would add to the simulation for me, the chances of finding a female and then trying to help her survive to you know, keep the human race going.

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This topic is something that should and and should not be discussed.

1. Why it should be discussed.

Yes, this is a good topic to be discussed as there are quite a few female DayZ gamers out there (yes I know this as I know quite a few) and it seems in most FPS games there are no female characters and a lot of the 'girl gamer' side of the communities want to see this as they feel left out.

2. Why it should not be discussed.

This shouldn't be discussed because lets face it, we have internet trolls, trolls will be trollin for these kinds of topics and the overly used female jokes will be put in here as always.

If we do have this discussion, keep it clean.

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I reckon a couple of the Arma II faces could be modded to look female.

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one of em turned out to be a dude pretending to be a girl.

That's hilarious. How did it transpire?

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This goes hand in hand with customization, which I would like to see if they monetize the project or put it into ARMA3. No need to ask for someone to state their name when they are wearing a bikini, a cape, and a monocle.

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Granted, I don't mind the idea of having female faces included in Day Z - but it'll just end up with a bunch of dudes becoming "Superhotbabexoxobandito". Original Poster, I highly doubt there's a way to make it so you can only play a female if you're a female IRL (agh, I can already see the knight in shining armor act arising from this in sidechat. "u need help, girl? I help u cuz u girl."). So the purpose of female models, in the context of the OP's wishes, would never be fulfilled unless there was some ridiculous system in place to gather ur personal info/sex. In which I think would be a bit much. I think female gamers oughta be just fine with male models in a mil-simulator. Props to them for picking up such a game to begin with.

TL: DR - no way to force males to NOT play female characters. Concept is doomed from the start. Not a bad idea to have the option for female models though (even though 95% of them are dudes) as it'll add some diversity between the PMC male face models.

PS. Please Codeine, I know keeping the human race going is important and all but there's no reason to mention it here in Day Z's context lol. You're NOT going to be cybering with a chick to keep the race going, it's just not happening. So let's stick to the general purpose for female models in arma2 and not their reproductive abilities :p.

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Regardless of the number of female players of this mod, I would like to see the option of female survivors purely for realism/immersion.

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From a technical standpoint, the work that would have to be done for female models/faces/accessories is quite immense. Time that could be better spent adding features/content and bugfixing. BIS has a statement on their community site about the matter of females in ARMA2, I don't think it'll fly anytime soon.

From a correctness standpoint? I would like the option to be there, but I wouldn't want the time to be spent on something trivial when there's much more to be done. The mod's in alpha still, there's more important things than cosmetic models, IMO. Maybe something to keep on the back burner until there's time? I don't know.

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Regardless of the number of female players of this mod' date=' I would like to see the option of female survivors purely for realism/immersion.


Just to let everyone know - ATM the female "Models" being added would only be the face I'm pretty sure. Don't expect a woman shape/outfit, just a womanly face with maybe a bun for hairstyle. Unless the DAY Z mod team has someone making entire models/skins for them, that's about the extent of getting a female into the game.

Although, Armaholic had some female US camo models out - so it IS possible. Just depends on if the Day Z Mod team wants to incorporate them/other user made mods into their mod. Most game changing mods tend to want to use their own resources exclusively without using any other modder's stuff.

Note to Day Z Devs: I've never used ARMA2's system of models/skins, but would it be possible to take the female civilian model and change it to have the capacity of normal soldiers? The reason I ask is because there is already nice female/male civilian models in the game. Instead of everyone being PMC skins, could always mix it up more and have a variety of russian male/female civilian skins (with the stats changed so they're "Soldier status" because apparently civvies carry less and run out of breathe faster). Could make a class in the coding, male and female. Then when players respawn they get a prompt of "Male or Female". Depending on their choice, they'd have one array(each array would have male/female exclusive skins) of character skins they'd spawn as(random still, selection menu would be hard). IDK if I'm speaking jibberish or not but just throwing out ideas.

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PS. Please Codeine' date=' I know keeping the human race going is important and all but there's no reason to mention it here in Day Z's context lol. You're NOT going to be cybering with a chick to keep the race going, it's just not happening. So let's stick to the general purpose for female models in arma2 and not their reproductive abilities :p.


Thats not what i meant at all, i was just looking at a situation i would look at as if it were real life, if you stumbled upon a female in a real life apocolypse wouldnt you naturally help this woman and sacrifice your self to keep her alive to prevent the extinction of the human race. Its something i would probably do.

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PS. Please Codeine' date=' I know keeping the human race going is important and all but there's no reason to mention it here in Day Z's context lol. You're NOT going to be cybering with a chick to keep the race going, it's just not happening. So let's stick to the general purpose for female models in arma2 and not their reproductive abilities :p.


Thats not what i meant at all, i was just looking at a situation i would look at as if it were real life, if you stumbled upon a female in a real life apocolypse wouldnt you naturally help this woman and sacrifice your self to keep her alive to prevent the extinction of the human race. Its something i would probably do.

I wouldn't.

She'd stab me in the back for my beans. :dodgy:

Edit: On further thought, if we did get a choice of gender when we respawned, I'd play as a female to stab people in the back for their beans. Totally legit.

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Thats not what i meant at all' date=' i was just looking at a situation i would look at as if it were real life, if you stumbled upon a female in a real life apocolypse wouldnt you naturally help this woman and sacrifice your self to keep her alive to prevent the extinction of the human race. Its something i would probably do.


Ahh, I'm sorry then. Suppose I misunderstood then. Yeah, I guess you MIGHT risk your hide for a lady if you felt she was worth trusting/saving. But as I said, 95% of these woman skin users would most likely be dudes anyways. So I don't think having them implemented would change the way you approach a person in the context of DayZ. You'll still think it's a dude and say "He's probably a bandit, let me stay away." Besides, I'm sure there's a couple of female gamers out there who will agree with this, women can be just as dangerous, if not more so than men. I don't think they'd appreciate being approach more casually just because of their gender - or would they? :p.

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I noticed the default profile is your computers name My computers name is Luke and that was my name in game, If it were to be implemented and to keep players from picking female skin, this could be a way of determining who gets which skin?

If it cant decide it will just go with male. I dunno just a thought.

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I noticed the default profile is your computers name My computers name is Luke and that was my name in game' date=' If it were to be implemented and to keep players from picking female skin, this could be a way of determining who gets which skin?

If it cant decide it will just go with male. I dunno just a thought.


I wouldn't bother with trying to block the option, since you can just make a new profile anyways.

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This is a bad idea and you should feel bad for having it.

There really is no reason to include a female skin. I haven't heard of any Asians being offended that there are no Asian models to choose from. I haven't heard any Orthodox Jews being offended that no models are wearing traditional garb.

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Oilman while you mention it...

WHAT THE HELL CAN I HAVE SOME HISPANIC MODELS? I don't wanna use middle eastern face skins! I want my Hispanic faces!

...just saying. I think it's more geared toward arma 2 devs though, not so much Day Z....

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This is a bad idea and you should feel bad for having it.

There really is no reason to include a female skin. I haven't heard of any Asians being offended that there are no Asian models to choose from. I haven't heard any Orthodox Jews being offended that no models are wearing traditional garb.

wow asian models are the same as any other male model... Theres nothing to complain about, thats why you havent "heard" of anything.

I feel bad for you for not understanding.

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a bit off-topic: there are Asian, African, Arab, European etc. faces in ArmA2 already. just go to your profile and edit it. there's a hundred or so faces to choose from. you can also choose glasses for your character

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I can't see any reason for adding them, at least not in an alpha stage.

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I'm sure we could find a mod for a model change, and somehow find a way to add it in. And I'd be all for it, too.

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