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Why is everyone a dickhead?

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Other than through side chat, I have yet to come in contact with one person who has not shot me in the face. Should I just resort to shooting everyone I meet in the face? All I want is to survive dammit.

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you do realise there's an active tread about the same topic, if not almost the same title as yours right? No point in making another one...

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Sorry, didnt realized repeat thread. Me and that dude are on the same wave length.

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I just shot someone in the face, before realising he'd typed that he was friendly. Why he waited until he was standing right next to me to say that I don't know, but I turned around and shit myself so I shot him.

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and not everyone is a Dick Head, If you aim your gun at me, your going to die, also a lot of back stabbers.

It all comes down to just shooting anyone on site, there's to many risks involved.

Thus why I form groups outside of in-game.

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