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dayz private hive

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hey guys. im wondering if there are any private hive servers with 200+ vehicles, 5+ choppers a loadout thats similar to the public hives(something like antibiotics, painkillers, 2 bandages, makarov). Also if it can have extra buildings. im not sure if this is right forum but if anyone has a server like this please tell me. thanks! btw it must have a lot of players during peak times and at the least 10-15. i dont care if there is like 5 people on sometimes i just want a server thats busy all the time. Thanks

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We don't provide you with a gun on spawn but we do provide players with antibiotics,bandages,painkillers,map and a hatchet. It's overkill in my opinion but players moaned they wanted these things...got to keep the masses happy. I have added lots of new areas to the map too and next week I'll be adding more.


Hatchet Reloaded UK Private hive is our server on

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On a quiet day around 4-6 in the evening. Weekends it can go up to around 20-25.

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