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Anyone interested in going back to

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I've not given up reiterating my stance on infection, but hold little hope of improvement and am playing continually less vanilla DayZ.  This one feature can so easily cancel out all the marvellous entertainment from the rest of the mod.


People are "complaining" less because they simply have more entertaining things to do with their game time and are playing something else.  I am somewhat more persistent than that and believe DayZ is still great without this clumsy mistake sat in the middle of the game.

Agree with everything you've said.  I just won't play vanilla public servers any more.  Only play my own server, where I include plenty of anti-biotics in the loadout.   Playing on my own server does little to help "the community."

Still love the game, and appreciate the changes, except for the infection.  Infection just terribly slows down the game.  Also replaces "excitement" with "depression." 


I suspect it also turns many others away before they get much of a start.  There are a multitude of simple ways to make zeds a more serious threat than they were.  More zeds spawning, more damage on hits, more bleeding., etc.,etc.  Different means of curing infection.  Gee, any of that would be more interesting and challenging than a death sentence.


Like you. I care enough about the game to keep bitching about what I find unacceptable.

But when there was no response to the many complaints about infection, I quit playing the public game soon enough.

I expect my bitching won't last too long either.  It's not in my hands, but I still control my feet, and will walk away when I want to.

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If you have any luck, you should send me your server info so I can try it out 



ok, I just need to get the damn weapon creates fixed.


I can add them in,  and they show up, but they are empty

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As the topic says would anyone be interested in going back to vanilla dayz on a server? Preberably a dedicated server and not this dayz.st, hfb or vilayer bullshit? If you guys are having a good time on that is fine, but I am sure there a lot of people unhappy with the direction of the current mod. had its flaws, but it was definitely better than the currently buggy attempt at the game. I am just looking for some good times before standalone comes out. With it seems as if the current developers are trying to add all this bullshit into the game, without fixing some of the real problems with the game. You can't have zombies that are super powerful at give infections every 5 hits, on a game with a shitty engine and zig zagging zombies.

I am trying to get a count of how many people would actually be interested or are just going to deal with it for now.


+100. You're not alone, I totally agree with you. I enjoy playing DayZero, but I'm also interested in going back to
Yes, in the recent patches zombies are harder, but in a really insane way. Even though the zombies were easier before, their pathfinding was better. The loot (and zombie) spawning mechanics were better and worked properly. The loot tables were also better. Almost everything was better and offered a challenging gameplay coupled with better performance (I got 30-40 FPS before on European servers and 20-28 FPS after the patches). After those patches the game is harder (in an annoying way) and more buggy. Does it make sence? Was it necessary to fix something that wasn't broken? I'd rather it be easier but better in terms of the gameplay and performance than harder but more annoying combined with worse performance. 


Also, do you guys seem to realize how all standard dayz mod servers have seemed to die? Normally you would see at least 5-10 servers with 30+ people, that is hardly the case now.



You ever wonder why no one is really complaining about the infection as much as they did when the update first came out?


Population of the standard DayZ servers shows everything. They used to be busy every day, and now they're empty or almost empty. Why has it happened? Why is no one really complaining about the infection as much as they did? Because those who complained moved to other mods (most of them - to DayZero) which are better in terms of the gameplay and performance or just went on to do something else. Because it's useless to complain on these forums since anything negative is instantly attacked by the trolling community. People who belong to such community seem to think about themselves only, they don't care about admins of the vanilla servers who lost a lot of players and money just because of the 1.7.7.x "experiment".
Don't tell me that you should be looking forward, not back, because the latest patches are actually one step forward, ten steps back.
I've repeated myself many times, so I'd better refer to these posts: 
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There are still two public servers in OZ running



Public hives have died down this way.Noone or few plays any official Dayz public servers.Dont know why this isn't setting off alarm bells at head office,as the SA will be official Dayz.

Putting DayZ in a new sparkly shinny wrapper and calling it the SA inst going to change the fact that, the official Dev teams idea of how Dayz should be played has been rejected.


So the 15/20 players world wide who like public hives,join these two,then I might get someone to play with.

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There are still two public servers in OZ running




Public hives have died down this way.Noone or few plays any official Dayz public servers.Dont know why this isn't setting off alarm bells at head office,as the SA will be official Dayz.

Putting DayZ in a new sparkly shinny wrapper and calling it the SA inst going to change the fact that, the official Dev teams idea of how Dayz should be played has been rejected.


So the 15/20 players world wide who like public hives,join these two,then I might get someone to play with.

I don't know why people keep saying this about public hives, seriously I can see tons right now that have 30+ players. You've got to be searching for them wrong.

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I don't know why people keep saying this about public hives, seriously I can see tons right now that have 30+ players. You've got to be searching for them wrong.

(AussieBobby said)"Public hives have died down this way"


Im not in the US,but if you like 250+pings Ill join a US server

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(AussieBobby said)"Public hives have died down this way"


Im not in the US,but if you like 250+pings Ill join a US server

Sorry, didn't really understand, it just erks me when people say vanilla DayZ is dead when there are plenty of servers and I misunderstood you.

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Alot of problems came with 1.7.7 but also cool new things


Luckily I play on a server where the admin fixed most of the issues like infection rate and placing restrictions.


No need to go back for me ;)

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