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Death and Reincarnation

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When a player dies the body should randomly spawn elsewhere unless there is another player in the immediate area, say 500 meters. this will allow players to come across bodies and a chance to find loot.


This would stop players running back to their bodies and rearming like the pussies softies they are.


If a group was to remain near the body until their friends return to claim the loot, then the fact they have to wait around will mean they are wasting their own in game time. which will fair better for other players to come across them and blow them a new orifice.


That is a suggestion.

Edited by Michaelvoodoo25
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Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.  *itches chin*


I kinda like it.  I think.  It's definately better than the shit meter anyway.  I need to think about it. *carries on itching chin*

Edited by Fraggle
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That's actually a pretty good idea  :thumbsup:

Beanz for you.

When you start a new character it's another person who's never known your old character, and therefore he won't know where the body is.

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Any camping players whould be chased away by Pennywise the clown with a hatchet playing Britney Spears' Hit me baby one more time song (They won't ever do it again)


Perhaps this is a little too far fetched? It could be a Bieber song.

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Distance would have to be much more than 500m otherwise you'd have instances of killing someone from say 700m and suddenly their body disappears. 

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Distance would have to be much more than 500m otherwise you'd have instances of killing someone from say 700m and suddenly their body disappears. 

That is of course a problem. Would it perhaps be better if it was 1 km?


I'm confused. When do i use "maybe" and when do i use "perhaps"? What's the difference?

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Allow a timer of X mins for players to loot.  timed out players corpse is moved elsewhere, giving dead guy no chance of gettng there and corspe finding player time to locate and loot

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That is of course a problem. Would it perhaps be better if it was 1 km?


I'm confused. When do i use "maybe" and when do i use "perhaps"? What's the difference?


Even at 1km you could still see someone disappear.  would have to be beyond viewing distance really. not sure what that will be.


To be honest i'm not totally sold on the idea of bodies disappearing at all, but every idea that aims to combat people running back to their bodies is worth considering thats for sure.

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I think combat loggers will benefit from this suggestion.

Otherwise, its good for gameplay. Bad for immersion.


I honestly dont know...

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Allow a timer of X mins for players to loot.  timed out players corpse is moved elsewhere, giving dead guy no chance of gettng there and corspe finding player time to locate and loot


Yeah, that would be better.



Orrr...how about if you pick up gear from your own body you you get instant terrible diarrhea....nah, thats a shit idea.

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Infected bullets will be my weapon of choice.


Poo on arrows, try stealing their stuff with a turd sticking out the back of their head.

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Why not just delete the body if the player who just died, respawned and came to get his stuff back, gets X meters from the body? 


A team recognition code(?) could also work for teammates looting friend's corpse.  Say it "recognises" the characters you have been with for a while etc. and deletes the corpse if they get too close.


On the other hand the hide body function works all right tbh. I use it like a "kill confirmed" sort of thing.

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If you're killed by infected, they rip your body to shreds and maybe only the primary weapon and one tool belt item is lootable. The rest is damaged beyond use.

If killed by another player, it's their responsibility to prevent you from regathering your gear. They can choose to bury you or leave you. Teleporting bodies and such is too phony to be implemented

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I love how one Idea, is broken to bits and redesigned from the ground up!


Instead of whiny arsed players we should be in the suggestions thread giving rocket some food for thought!


Keep it up

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One idea someone else had was to only allow only one dead body per player, so if someone suicides to get back to their body quicker it would disappear.


Only problem with that is people could suicide on purpose to make sure their killer doesn't get the loot.


Just thought i'd throw the idea in the mix though in case someone could think of a way around it.



Why not just delete the body if the player who just died, respawned and came to get his stuff back, gets X meters from the body? 


A team recognition code(?) could also work for teammates looting friend's corpse.  Say it "recognises" the characters you have been with for a while etc. and deletes the corpse if they get too close.


This could work but i'm not keen on preventing teammates from looting a body, i know they could just take all the gear off a friends corpse and leave it somewhere for them, but it just doesn't feel right to me.



On the other hand the hide body function works all right tbh. I use it like a "kill confirmed" sort of thing.


Problem is in long drawn out group battles you can't always get to the body to hide it,

It also doesn't punish those who just simply get killed by zombies. 

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Hmm, I really don't know about this. Bodies dissappearing of their own accord within the hour is weird and however good the code(?) for them dissappearing is, it could never cover the huge veriety of situations people get themselves into.


I say just keep it as it is, but make it traceable to server admins. It's basically an exploit. One though we can't really get around without supernatural body snatchers, or locking people out of servers because they died.


PS I like the idea of zombies ripping players appart, when many are involved. Adds another reason to avoid them.

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Ok how about wild animals gorge themselves on the remains?  Player comes back and half a body remains with stuff damaged and scattered around, On leg here (pockets of stuff etc) torso over there (Munched on destroying all that was carried etc)


In nature animals smell out the corpses and devour the lovely flesh? Zeds could damage stuff also. All making it impossible to retrieve anything.


Would stop supernatural events!

Edited by Michaelvoodoo25
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Ok how about wild animals gorge themselves on the remains?  Player comes back and half a body remains with stuff damaged and scattered around, On leg here (pockets of stuff etc) torso over there (Munched on destroying all that was carried etc)


In nature animals smell out the corpses and devour the lovely flesh? Zeds could damage stuff also. All making it impossible to retrieve anything.


Would stop supernatural events!


I like it, also bare in mind in the standalone there will be lots of roaming zeds so they could simply have them attracted to dead bodies, the longer they are there munching on the corpse the more gear gets damaged.

Not sure what they have planned for animals but if someone dies out in the middle of nowhere for some dumbass reason with no other players and few zombies around,  something like a wild dog or even bear could come wandering out of the woods smelling a free meal.


Did i say i like this idea? well i've changed my mind, i fucking love it.


Edit: Got this mental image of someone running back to what was their body only to see a dog merrily wandering off into the distance still chomping down on a severed arm grasping an AK.

I know, I know, i'm getting carried away now.

Edited by Fluxley
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I think it's a swell idea, although I have a feeling there could be issues surrounding the gibbing body parts with weak-stomached players. Implementation wise, I love the idea of animals or zombies being able to destroy the gear you were carrying - except for maybe certain, very durable items. I just can't see a zombie actually destroying a heavy wooden rifle, or a hatchet, for instance. However, I could get behind optics, loose magazines, food, books, blood bags, bandages, and other types of easily destructible gear being vulnerable to mobs. Also mechanical items like guns, stoves, radios, and the like should take exposure damage. Rust is terrible for guns. Wet radios wouldn't even work. Without proper maintenance, these things would decay and become less useful, until they were destroyed outright (and presumably added back to the item respawn pool).

Edited by SalamanderAnder

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Added bonus, it may make bandito's think twice before sniping someone from a distance if they actually want the others gear to stay intact they'd be better off getting up close so that the zeds don't get a chance to damage the loot, thus promoting more close quarters combat.

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As some people have said, zombies or animals ripping bodies apart, that adds another suggestion: all types of scavengers like vultures, small animals like rats and minks. And as standalone will have more animals of what I've heard, wolves and bears could be attracted to bodies. You don't want to go near a body which has a pack of wolves or a bear rolling around it. Also the scavenger birds would be flying in circles around bodies, so other people could navigate to bodies.

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And with infected raging all over dead bodies and potentially lingering, that stupid, audible fly mechanic around bodies can be eliminated.

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I think this is a reasonable proposal. Animals and zeds can move the body (or parts of it) around. Though i think, that this may be possible only, if nobody is around (ok, would be immersive, if you will see how zeds run around with parts of of recently killed survivors).


I say one unpopular guess, which i have gained from some hard mode games.

Such game needs really some sort of fear of death. At least shadow of it. And you are very limited with opportunities to do it.
Some similar suggestions was given already earlier, though most of them was for Mod. Imo, Mod is so crippled and many features absolutely isn't  fair and correct (stairs, zeds running  through walls, lag etc), that this would have been big mix-up.
But hopefully SA will be many better...
I mean a death clock - after 'death' a person can again log in game after 12 hours. Logically, this is approximate number, maybe devs can have their .  Just IMHO.

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I prefer the other suggestion I read today - that zombies eat the corpse there and then, and over time it will damage the items that were on the corpse. Adds to the whole OMFGZ DER EETIN HIM! vibe of zompocalypse.

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Dead bodies begin to decay and get infested with dangerous bacteria as soon as they, well, die. Touching a rotting corpse can very well give you a nasty and probably lethal infection. 


While this may be a little too extreme, there could be a chance of vomiting when near a rotting corpse. Vomiting dehydrates and of course starves you very fast, which leads to the problem of finding potable water and food.

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