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DayZ Low FPS in cities.

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Well I'm having issues with my FPS in cities. When not in cities I get around 75-120 fps on very high but as soon as I go into bigger cities my fps drops to about 25-40 with an avg of 30 fps. I've tried using lower settings both in game and using the nvidia cp and none of these help. I have a GTX Titan and an  Intel i7 4770k @ 3.5GHz. Also if I stare at the ground or sky my fps goes back to 75-120. Anyone know of some fix for this? I've changed the config file to improve my fps too. Thank you in advance! 

Edited by TheSparklyHero

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What mod are you running? Some mods can be more demanding than others, but in general your FPS will drop significantly when in a city (because there is more going on).

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If you have literally everything on 'very high' then disable post-process effects and drop object detail a bit. You'll see a significant FPS boost and the game doesn't look much worse, if at all.


I think it might be an issue with the new Nvidia cards. My GTX 780 isn't performing as well as I expected either, I'm hoping a driver update will sort it out at some point but I think that may be wishful thinking given ARMA 2's known optimisation issues.

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I'm having alot of luck with RamDisk.  I put a bunch of pbos on ramdisk from Arma II and OA, as well as the @DayZ folder.  This has improved my fps in cities.  My old hard drive was a 10,000rpm old 80GB raptor.  I used a 4GB RamDisk free version, and I have a total of 8 gigs of ram.  My frames arn't where I would like them in cities, but it's a noticeable improvement over what it was.  I'm still playing around with different pbos to see the fps effect.  

Also, a quote from the UO Community forum:  


More Ways to boost FPS

Also, if you want even more performance, remember these tricks:
Append -maxVRAM=990; (Or about 10MB less than your total amount of VRAM) to your startup parameters
Remember to use DEFAULT Video Memory in Video Settings (Not Very High, it only uses up to 512MB of VRAM that way, default uses almost all of it)
Set -cpuCount=4 (Or how many CPU cores you have without Intel Hyper Threading)
Set -maxMem=2047 (Not many people do this, but without it the engine will only use about 1.5GB of RAM)
Set -exThreads=7 (If you have a Multi-Core processor more than a dual-core)
Set -noSplash and -skipIntro and -world=empty to dramatically increase game start-up speed
And if you have a 3 Core Processor or less, remember to set the Priority of the arma2oa.exe process to HIGH (done -high commandline)

On top of that don't forget the cfg file tweaks, they do help as well.  All this combined with updated drivers, a properly configured NVidia/AMD control panel, and correct in-game settings your fps in cities can improve.


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