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Leaderboard Hacker!

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im pretty sure i have not seen this guy on the top of "longest alive" the last few days i have checked, are the boards just updating really slowly or is this guy just a hacker using speed hacks?

1 6248784 bluedot 252h 05m Alive

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yesterday, longer alive was 72hours, or 2 days ago i can't remember i took too much drugs

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Leaderboards are obviously not fully functional. But, yeah, this is odd - especially considering he isn't on any of the other boards so what he's been doing for 252h is a mystery.

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Leaderboards are worthless anyways - what's the point in showing of what you have done in a game? It's not like you get anything from it, nor does it make you special. As it stands, each of those stats can be cheated the one way or the other.

Since in my experience stats bring out the worst in people, I'd say remove it completely.

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Honestly, I think Leaderboards need to go. It only serves to reinforce the "kill everyone to be on top" mentality that happens a lot. The same goes with marked kills on the debug monitor, those aren't doing DayZ any favors.

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Honestly' date=' I think Leaderboards need to go. It only serves to reinforce the "kill everyone to be on top" mentality that happens a lot. The same goes with marked kills on the debug monitor, those aren't doing DayZ any favors.


I partially agree. It should'nt show how many kills somebody has. It will only invite people to beat this highscore.

But there is different info on the leaderboard too; how many miles walked, for instance. That is nice information to show. Maybe more of this sort of info can be shown.

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