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I just did the worst thing you can do to someone..

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Basically there is this one guy that would always kill my friend in the Origin servers and he would always rage. (My friend sucks at the game unfortunately)

I told my friend I would one day, kill him and take his stuff as revenge.. But what happened was WAY better.


I was flying over Dubovo Airport when I heard shots ring out.. and a kill message. My "enemy" just killed someone under me.. Me taking a risk, I decide to offer him a ride. I go into side chat and ask if anyone needs a ride. As expected, the "enemy" types out "ME!" in all caps.

I told him to put his gun away before I drop and he does so and puts it in his backpack. Then we get into the chopper and I tell him we're going to loot Salvation City.. On my way there, I took a detour and went to the EDGE OF THE OCEAN on the map, lying to his face in Vehicle chat telling him we're almost there and that it's a HUGE map etc.


And then I put my plan into action.. I scream into Vehicle Chat, "We're out of gas, we're crashing!" As I turn off the helicopter mid-flight and go into a plunge. I tell him to eject and watch as his parachute goes off while I'm in 3rd person. After he got out, I pull it out of the plunge and turn it back on barely clearing the water. I start laughing like a mad man to myself as I BARELY escape the same demise.. I auto hover after regaining control and find my way back to him. And I change to direct chat and say, "How do you like getting screwed over yourself?" and left. He was about maybe 12k meters away from any homeland of any kind. Then I remembered what made it worse.. it's the fact that he was on a public Origins hive.. so any server that was connected would put him there.


At that point I felt bad, but hey.. he's killed many people and that's what he gets.


For the next 3 hours, he was calling for people to pick him up.. No one did. LMAO. He then logged off later.

Edited by pr0phe7
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That is an awesome way to grief someone. I am normally unimaginative with my griefing and it always results in someone dying without much payoff. When they took out the respawn with broken leg option I used to break players legs hoping they did not have morphine, but usually I just try to make friends with a satchel charge or grenade in my inventory or knock people out and eject them from moving vehicles.

Swimming in Dayz is one of the worst things in the world, I can not think of a worse punishment than being left to starve in the ocean.

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Wow, that guy probably deserved it. 12 KMs from the coast? That sucks to a million for that guy. I hope he enjoys his swim. c:

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you kicked that jerks ass!!

way to go man  that is bad ass!

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Cant see that guy getting into a chopper with a stranger again for a very long long time, if he didn't have trust issues before the incident he sure does now. Epic.

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He deserved it, but not to that level. Jesus man, 12k? Poor guy.

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You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar. Good job teaching that phony bitch his lesson. I've been searching for a nemesis of my own to give such a punishment, but it's impossible now. I'll just have to find more nemeses in the standalone, when this hacking situation is more thoroughly taken care of.


Just to make it worse, I would use direct chat and hover over him playing annoying hits from the 90's.

Edited by SalamanderAnder

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omg dude, your a evil genius! (:

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Earlier today, I joined up the Origins server.. and then I got to the lobby list and notice his name.

As soon as I spawn, I'm about to type in Side chat and ask him a question or two.

As I say that, I see "ANYONE with a chopper want to pick me up? I'll give you my DMR and backpack"

A guy with a chopper (I'm assuming has one) responds with: "Alright, where are you?"
Guy in ocean: "I'm in the ocean close to Salvation city, but I don't have a map so no idea where I'm going"


They talked for a little while til the chopper guy gave up.. couldn't find him. Lol.


This went on for a little while before I switched to DayZero with friends (which is amazing).


tldr; Guy still in the ocean, got offered help, but no way to find him, he thinks he's by Salvation City (NOT AT ALL LOL), still suck in the ocean.



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There was nothing to be ashamed of here.  Now if you did this to everyone, yeah, it would be bad. But he deserved it.

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Maybe its time for the 2nd chapter of his "journey"! ...or should "the hoff" capture him out of the ocean...Baywatch style! B)

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I fail to see how the guy deserved not being able to play Orgins public hive until his char dies from exhaustion. I do not know how long it takes swimming, but hopefully he just sets a random course and put something heavy on w while reading a book.

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