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King of kong

Weapon upgrade ideas.

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I think a bayonet attachment is an excellent idea. Hunting knives are already in game. Duct tape is in standalone. I should theoretically be able to secure tape a knife to the end of a gun. However, I would argue that this type of attachment should have some serious degradation - but less so if you actually find a purpose built bayonet and compatible weapon. Leaving room for multiple gameplay vectors for similar goals is very important, I think. More on this in a moment.


So anyone with an Kalashnikov and a hunting knife can tape up a rude bayonet that would probably tear loose from the gun - or actually damage the internals of your gun - after repeated use, but if you actually found a Russian bayonet, you could fit it to a weapon with a compatible mount and therefore have an even more sturdy variant of a basic tool. I think bayonets would realistically become essential for pretty much all survivors in this situation, since shooting every zombie you see is hardly a good option; and sacrificing firepower for melee ability is too great a compromise. Firearm suppressors are actually quite rare, and they would be gobbled up quickly by gearheads.


Flashlights also make complete sense. I think it would be interesting to allow players to do things like, attach flashlights to certain pieces of clothing, as well as to their guns, as well as to other sorts of objects. A player could attach a light to their helmet, or hat, for instance, making a basic headlamp. this is functional, however, perilous as it will make you highly vulnerable to head shots in a firefight. Or, one could attach the light to a tactical vest, which would place it on your chest, or your shoulder. Or you could attach it to your gun, which is tactically the most advantageous solution.


What I want to draw attention to is how these types of player driven choices can actually indicate a players true modus operandi. Leaving room for multiple gameplay vectors to accomplish similar goals leaves room for human creativity to utilize those different pathways in the order that they naturally find most logical. We human beings operate in such a way that our true intentions will always drive our choices, no matter how minute. If we can receive logical, cause-effect based information from the environment, then we can draw basic human conclusions that give us insight into a given situation.


This is the experience that I think would make the game become much more compelling. The thing about it is that our subconscious minds are actually hyper-intelligent - we tend to pick up on the slightest tells, gestures, behavioral patterns, and evidence quite naturally in the real world. If you shoot somebody and immediately run over and loot their struggling, squirting corpse, then naturally you will be covered in blood. If you hatchet a person in the head - warm, sticky blood would come gushing out, all over your hands and face. You'd have to find a water source and bathe to remove it.


(and I do think that bathing should be a gameplay feature, considering that it attributes to basic hygiene and prevents serious diseases, and is entire possible right now with natural water sources. Salt water in particular is known for it's anti-bacterial effects.)


But anyway. Good ideas. I think spears were unofficially officially confirmed by Rocket. By that I mean he mentioned them briefly as a possible game play mechanic. So they are in the development cloud, so to speak.

Edited by SalamanderAnder
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Crafting binoculars can make any gun have a scope :)

Think that was from Rage but might be some other game.

haha no way that so wouldnt ever work in RL but i know its just a game but I own 3 weapons in RL and that seems silly but whatever !! :D

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haha no way that so wouldnt ever work in RL but i know its just a game but I own 3 weapons in RL and that seems silly but whatever !! :D

It wouldn't work, but no need to get cocky..

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Actually no, this is how we should do attachments in this game...



Edited by LancerG2

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