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PeNguiN (DayZ)

Low FPS in Wilderness

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Hi, I have a phenom 965 at stock clock, 6870 and 8 gb ram as well as samsung 830 SSD yet I get 30 fps in wilderness on the lowest possible graphics. I've also done all the optimization guides like maxframesahead to 1 and idk why I lag so bad, it's quite unplayable. I see so many other ppl with worse systems getting better fps and ppl can record and get better Fps then me. Am I doing something wrong? I've reinstalled and I just want to play with atleast 40-50 FPS... 30 Fps is really unplayable considering how choppy it is. 

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How is 30 fps unplayable? My buddy plays dayz off his laptop and bottoms @ 9 fps in towns and cities and 12 in the woods, yet he still plays and can kill easily.


How is your internet connection? Do you live in a high traffic area, or in BFE?


Try to run Arma 2 single-player and see how it does when not connected to a server where you have to worry about terribad desync and a heavy load.

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I'm getting the lowest FPS possible in the woods, even the cities give me more of them. I've added FXAA and post-processing and boosted my FPS from 15-20 to 30-40 now on my laptop (1024x768 resolution obviously).

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Hmmm, have you thought about overheating?  In this weather it's a real risk.

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Hmmm, have you thought about overheating?  In this weather it's a real risk.

Jesus man, hop off mother natures dick Frag...Oh.. wait.

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Hmmm, have you thought about overheating?  In this weather it's a real risk.

Naaah, Lenovo's good with cooling. ~75 degrees is high but still alright.

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It could possibly be SceneComplexity option in your character profile in your documents..


You can typically find that here if you have Windows: My Documents > ARMA 2 Other Profiles > (Your Profile)


You'll have to scroll down to the bottom or you can simply use Ctrl+F to find it.


What you want to do is match your scene complexity with your resolution.


*Example, if your resolution is 647x900, then set that to 64700. 


Make sure you match up your resolution sizes with ARMA 2 and other expansions that you might have.



If that doesn't work, try playing on windowed and adjust the size for yourself. While this happens; your 3D Resolution will change. You always want to keep that at 100%. Lower 3D Resolution often means increased performance but lacks in quality majorly.

Edited by TIC321

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