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Ghost FX (DayZ)

**New Making Clan** please read carefully

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sup guys, i got a teamspeak for this game specifically. i really want to have fun with this game with multiple ppl. ive recently joined a group but, ive been totally ignored to the point where i think they shouldnt even be a clan. so, - im CREATING my own clan!- im seeking fun while playing this game. not boredom.

This is what i expect in-game. for us to communicate while fighting to share small rations and basically work together. but when were not in a firefight i expect us to just have a blast, you know like joke around just be ourselves. but when we here gun shots we go silent, and immediately into game face mode. i eventually want to make a base for our clan/hide out.

players im looking for- players that are over 17+ cause generally that's what you are when you play rated M games.

-i don't need racism in our clan -i don"t care for gender-i don't care if your new to the game-

vs9.tserverhq.com:9191 <-- teamspeak - message me with the word "recruit"

(you got to right click me and poke me) - my name is Ghost FX. Its also my in-game name.

" another thing is if you die. its normal to complain a bit. i respect that. but please don't dwell on it."

i will name the clan at a later date just meet up with me on the teamspeak.

Edited by Ghost FX

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I always think it's hilarious when people create "clans" for a group of about 3-4 people ^^

You don't need a name, homeepage and motto to have some fun with friends ;)

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im aiming for about 8 ppl. i never said 3-4

For that you need to increase your efforts :)

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A clan s a group of people united by one cause or thing, see no number required!

Edited by Oddmonkeyman
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we play within the eastern time zone around 5pm b/c that is when most ppl are open to play. we try to get on almost everyday. but its okay if you dont. another thing is add me on steam Ghost FX in-case teamspeak is down for some reason we still have a way to contact each other.

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