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Only get 35 fps on lowest... and 35 fps at ultra..?

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Anyone else running with a GTX 560 Ti?

I can run A3 on ultra but recently got A2 and it seems like im locked at 35....

I would ask this on the BiS forums but the A2 section is dead nowadays

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Thanks for the link. Followed everything and still 35 fps :\

Oh wow. Setting the "ARMAOA.exe" process priority to "high" bumped me to up 55 fps but its still pretty unstable, climbing down to 35 for no reason

Edited by Frell
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and after I play for about 15 minutes on any server my fps suddenly dives down to 10 or 17 and won't ever come back up

It did it last night and I thought it was a one time thing but it just did it again

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and after I play for about 15 minutes on any server my fps suddenly dives down to 10 or 17 and won't ever come back up

It did it last night and I thought it was a one time thing but it just did it again

Just happened to post about the latest patches really altering performance. Pre 1.7.7 was smoother... Post 1.7.7 was hell for my computer. Settings that normally boosted performance actually don't work anymore for me, and low/high hardly sees a real dip anymore (unless I really crank past my specs, then it still hits me). Zeds are a suspect in the latest and greatest optimizations they claimed to have made... Oh well, I need a new rig. Would like help finding a good set up! If you have a good rig (anyone), please check my signature, I plan on buying parts very soon, which means I can let you all know if the performance is good!

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