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Your thoughts on interior zombies?

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Zombies in houses would be better if houses (and other structures) would dampen sound effects and noises like actually buildings do. This would make it easier to clear out houses without attracting everything in town.

Now firing an Enfield wouldn't probably have too much effect but it could make the difference on smaller side arms. Something to consider anyway

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the problem here is:if we spawn without a weapon,we need to loot buildings to get weapons.if u then go and place zombies in all of these buildings like i have expierenced my last few lives we cant get any loot unless we just run in and out like maniacs and try to lose the zombies by using the buildings slow walk glitch(i wonder if this a glitch or not,i could see zombies being slow in doorways or on stairs/ladders,but theres no reason why they cant walk normal once inside a room.to clarify i dont feel like they walk/run normal at any point in the game atm they have either inhuman bursts of speed or they r goin at supercrawl speed.infact the only somewhat reasonable speed ive seen is when the hoppers halfagro on u...this is a weird state ive noticed alot where they move at about crouchrunningspeed and come directly towards u,even tho they dont act like they are agroed they will follow u very far and if u dont keep running they will come close enough to fully agro)

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Arma II is a simulator. It's a mod for a game that's selling point is to mimic realism.

Right...it's also a game that didn't sell at all before this mod. Super hardcore sims don't sell. They're a business. It's their goal to make a product that will sell the best. They finally have something that could be huge if they don't completely ruin it and make it something that most gamers would find too hard and a chore. There has to be a balance and they were pretty darn close in 1.7 before rocket decided to go overboard.

The ArmA series sold well enough to ensure a next installment. Not all gamers want easy-mode, and I suspect part of the huge interest in DayZ comes from gamers who are disillusioned by the endless stream of dollar-chasers that have characterised the gaming industry over the past years.

There's a sizeable niche of gamers who are sick of CoDs, BFs, WoWs and their ilk and want something they can get their teeth into. That's where games like ArmA and mods like DayZ come in. They're not for everybody - but they are commercially viable.

Don't be too disheartened though, I'd be willing to bet good money that one or more major studios will announce their own zombie apocalypse survival game before ArmA 3 and the standalone DayZ come out. No doubt it'll be the usual low-risk, high-excitement simulation of a simulation, and everyone can be happy.

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What I would say is that for interior zombies to be worth it, it would need to be in places you could avoid them.

If there's a zombie in there, you need an option to get around it, but there just isn't the space in houses, there's room for one person in each hallway, what's the point in having a zombie in a room where beans might spawn, but unless you use some of your ammo you can't get to it.

In a hangar or a larger building where you could try to prone round them would work.

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