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tai tran

mclovin's notebook

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kinda like a diary, thought it would be fun.

night 1: i spawned at **** armed with nothing but a flashlight,bandages and painkillers. after running long distances away from zombies i found a old warehouse, didn't have much supplies only some cans. i picked one up and threw it as far as i can. thats when i saw a light flash in my eyes. i thought to myself and thought i might have injured the player with my tin can. i flashed my light hoping it was a sign of 'friendlyness' or a way to signal "i got no weapon. soo please don't rape me with bullets." the player did the same as he/she made it's way towards the door, so did i. She was a female

player named "Dev15" and didn't really seemed hostile in any way. I put my cursor over her hoping the heartbeat system

worked, didn't hear a thing. "she might have a concealed weapon or is waiting to get a weapon and hoping i stick around so she can shoot me" i guess i was just overreacting..probably. she told me she was meeting someone i cant remember how i replied but she also told me she was going to a base not to far, as she walked out. knowing how everyone killed me and i never had a chance to team up with them without them double-crossing me i followed. All the way up to the train tracks. "i'm going dark if we lose each other then..good luck." And continued on. we finally arrived at the base, Dev used her flashlight and found me not to far away and shined infront of her revealing a zombie, she turned her flashlight off and went

out of it's way, so quietly. As for me i was proned and rolling to another side away from the zombie. It became dark most of the time and the unnerving thing is i can hear the zombies but i cannot see Dev, I slowly crawled to the entrance and made my way into those little tree looking things. i found chemlights and a can. To my surprise Dev was running away from

zombies, she tried to get into the tree things (i forgot what there called!) but was unsuccessful and ran somewhere else, out

of my field of view. "hello?".."Dev?" No response, i got down and ran to the other tree base "Stop running!" Dev exclaimed "shit,your alive!" relieved "i'll give you a gun once i find one." Thats the last time i heard from her. A long time of waiting..The first person who didn't kill me on the spot ."frosty has been killed" that made my heart race alil but it wasn't her. I got down and proned as i search the area. "she must have ditched..she could of told me so i can give her the rest of my bandages and chemlights." But she was gone. Hopefully she is heading to were she need to go. "this is the end of the line for me." i said

through all channels, which was only direct,vehicle and group "dying form starvation and dehydration. what a way to go, i threw a chemlight and made my way into another tree base. i saw 2 zombies, so i threw a few more and saw alot more. i got down, i knew i was gunna die, from the start. i can't navigate in the dark without any means of light. The stars wouldn't be able to save me. I didn't even reach my destination. Atleast i found one person who didn't blow my brains out once they found a gun.

(forgive my English and grammer)


I must space these out so these don't look like a wall of words. and more shall be made! *logs into steam*

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day 1: I spawned in ometo and headed to chernogrsk hoping to find my loot and maybe make a route to follow. Upon arrival gunshots where everywhere people were running and dying left and right. me, i was hiding in the shrubbery while i watched the massacre. someone from my left said "are you friendly?" i said "yes" as he shot me throught the chest "Hey wtf i have nothing!"

"yea, i know it's fun" he said as he shot me again. i decided to piss him off by saying "this isn't CoD, stop killing for a sport, kid. If you kill me you better make sure i'm dead." he killed me yea but i knew i pissed him off cause he pumped 2 extra rounds in me. Haha, i respawned once more in a place if i can remember it was called "Three valley" or something. i ran to electro this

time maybe i'll have better luck. instead a vehicle passed by and stopped infront of me. Three people got out one with a mackrov another with a DMR and another had a gun which looks like a m19. "i'm friendly! i got nothing i am no threat" the looked at me for abit and the one with a DMR said "ok.. but your my 7th kill. thanks alot!" with a shot to my head. I stopped playing cause whats the point in playing if your gunna be killed for a sport?

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dont read wall of texts

then don't i don't care im doing this cause i feel like it :)

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you should develop a like for formatting your posts then many people will read them.

just push enter a few times.

i guess i'll do so

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Learn to use paragraphs and I might read your stories.

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you will stop trusting people eventually. it will just take a few backstabs. then the circle of violence continues.

yea, i try my best not to shoot someone that is a few miles from me. xD

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