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[UndeadCamel] My first upload to the Channel!

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-There'll be more videos

-I acknowledge the video is small, and will be fixed in the future

-The microphone was also way too close to my mouth


Other than that, enjoy the video, it does have another part which'll be uploaded today.

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Welcome to the YouTube scene!

What I'm going to say next is simply MY advice, I'm not going to sugar coat it or baby you so If what I say offends you then I'm afraid your not ready for the harsh troll filled world of YouTube.

First, I know you mentioned it but DEAR LORD why is the aspect ratio 4:3?? First impressions are everything, and I would NEVER upload a video if I thought it wasn't going to at the very least sit par with the majority of the mainstream gameplay videos out there.

Second, Your microphone isn't the highest quality but it will do for the time being. I'm not sure what brand or style it is but I would recommend a pop filter to eliminate the breathing, and the Bs and Ps.

Thirdly, to be frank its really boring... 90% of the people who watch dayz videos, play dayz. They don't need to know what the icons are, or how to eat a can of beans. I understand what you are trying to do by teaching people, but as A first video I wouldn't recommend it. People like action, explosions, tities, and humor (Not necessarily in that order). Make good use of cuts, and transitions. The less "running simulator 2013" the better.

Lastly, be prepared to make this something you dedicate and fair portion of your life to. Your subscribers are like puppies. At first they are all cutsy wootsy and give you thumbs up and praises. But after a while they start to expect more from you, and are easily numbed out if you constantly upload uninteresting videos. The more they grow the more they will demand, and if you don't deliver, they WILL find someone who does.

I wish you best of luck, and I hope you are able to solve the technical issues before you upload any more videos.

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