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[Rangers] "Rangers lead the way" (US based)

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As for everyone being "bandits"' date=' there are only two or three actual bandits in the group that I know of. If you are in the area we are in, we don't take chances. Part of being a good survivor is knowing how to survive, and trusting everyone will get you killed.



While some of our guys crave action more than others, we only target those who wander into our territory, but we don't actively hunt players who aren't a threat. It would be nice if we could drop some "restricted area" signs around our camp and looting grounds as fair warning :P

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I totally am down to play with you guys

Im in need of some training basics in survival i am a noob and am terrible

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Part of being a good survivor is knowing how to survive' date=' and trusting everyone will get you killed.


This is exactly it, there is no sense in letting someone live just to be nice when doing so would almost certainly help lead to your own death.

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Oh well guys, leave em be. If they want to think the way they do that's upto them. But when we're "leading the way ;)" with good gear and actually surviving (while having a good time doing it) what they say won't matter anyways.

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Are you guys still recruiting? I would be interested in joining. I am pretty decked out at the moment just looking for a group to travel with.

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I play on these guys'ssss server they get my stamp of approval for being cool.

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Sounds like an interesting group, US based. Which server are you all normally on?

Noob (at this game, not FPS) looking to join up a team of decent lads.

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Yo! I think my group of friends are going to make our "home server" Dallas 13. I talked to AnXi3Ty in IRC and was impressed. Love it when the admins baby the server and keep it running smooth (not to mention networking experience :D)!

Since we are planning to play on your server often, I was wondering if you guys wanted to form a friendly alliance or absorb us in? Currently We don't have a clan tag of our own, but we can create one to be more easily identified (if not absorbed). If interested, I was thinking it would be easier on both groups to be in an alliance vs. absorption because some of our members don't player on a daily basis. We don't mind using vent, and matter-of-fact we prefer it over teamspeak.

All of us are 21+, and most of just graduated from college. We love playing DayZ and we want to play with other respectful and fun players. We are mostly survivors but one or two of us will be Bandits on occasion... typically from self defense. Two of us are more experienced then the rest of our members, only because we have just recently begun inviting friends to play and try the awesome that is DayZ.

Our main goal is to play with like minded players, watch each others backs, and contribute to a greater cause like getting a Heli up in the air, a buss rolling down the streets, fortifying a position, or gearing up friends by loading up tents. We pull our own weight and we don't expect hand outs.

Anyways, I'll get on yall's vent sooner or later. Currently we are LANing to celebrate the end of college for a few of us :D

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You guys sound like a decent group of dudes. I am looking for a group of people that play to have fun. Not exploit, or just be dicks. I am new so I dont know my way around the island yet but I am on pretty much every night trying to get better. I just got a new laptop and haven't figured out how to turn the onboard mic off so I can use my headset, but when I do I'll jump on your vent. Do you guys have members that play around midnight standard mountain time? That's when I am generally on.

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We are still recruiting, we currently play on Dallas 13 our home server, might put up another if there is to many of us in 1 server. If you have any questions feel free to reply here, hop in vent, or pm Apollo or myself.

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PR at its finest….not.

So a few days back I join these guys and pretty much hang in their vent Channel silent. Overall seems nice a cool group of guys. I listen in for a cpl days, not really saying anything since I’m usually at the airfield and they are not.

Later on one of the Rangers chats with me a bit and gives me a password for another group channel. So I join up and listen in some more to their play. They tell me to change my tag to [Rangers]Rooster, so I do. I listen in more getting a feel for their play, etc.

So last night I log in jump in a channel and some dude says “Who the fuck is Rooster?”

I key up and say “I am”

Dude gets back on and says “who the fuck are you?”

Ok, I’m little confused at this point. Not sure what he is looking for here. Not sure what to answer… I key up and chuckle a bit “um you going to have to be a little more specific, not sure what you are looking for an answer here?”

Dude, “What the fuck are you doing in this channel?”

Ok at this point it’s obvious to me I must have overstretched my limits in Vent by joining this channel or perhaps maybe even being part of this group. Maybe they are in a delicate operation…I’m not sure? No I just jump back down to the afk channel trying to avoid any conflict.

I am then immediately banned and kicked from the Vent channel.

Nice PR work Rangers. I suggest a little more coordination in the group. You just banned a good player for…well…no fucking reason! Tata

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PR at its finest….not.

So a few days back I join these guys and pretty much hang in their vent Channel silent. Overall seems nice a cool group of guys. I listen in for a cpl days' date=' not really saying anything since I’m usually at the airfield and they are not.

Later on one of the Rangers chats with me a bit and gives me a password for another group channel. So I join up and listen in some more to their play. They tell me to change my tag to [Rangers']Rooster, so I do. I listen in more getting a feel for their play, etc.

So last night I log in jump in a channel and some dude says “Who the fuck is Rooster?”

I key up and say “I am”

Dude gets back on and says “who the fuck are you?”

Ok, I’m little confused at this point. Not sure what he is looking for here. Not sure what to answer… I key up and chuckle a bit “um you going to have to be a little more specific, not sure what you are looking for an answer here?”

Dude, “What the fuck are you doing in this channel?”

Ok at this point it’s obvious to me I must have overstretched my limits in Vent by joining this channel or perhaps maybe even being part of this group. Maybe they are in a delicate operation…I’m not sure? No I just jump back down to the afk channel trying to avoid any conflict.

I am then immediately banned and kicked from the Vent channel.

Nice PR work Rangers. I suggest a little more coordination in the group. You just banned a good player for…well…no fucking reason! Tata

Well my question I suppose would be who invited you and such? We have a roster setup that our squad leads have access to, showing who is in and what not. I could not, still can not, find your name on there nor have any of the squad leads mentioned you being with us. I know for a fact that is not the first time you were asked to identify yourself, as the first day I saw you in vent I asked who you were, if you were new, etc. Perhaps rather than always sitting in afk you should of gotten to know someone, really anyone.

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I’m not good with names. I think Vendetta or something like that was in chat with me more than once. I was only in AFK when AFK and I was never before asked to Identify myself. Other than that I was in a group channel. I can’t tell you who gave me the password because it was over Vent. I’ll be glad to confirm it. I play with Jones, who you have already invited. I didn’t speak much, because I was always in the airfield and your team stated they don’t try and hold that anymore.

No harm. I can survive alone. I just enjoyed hearing the team over voice while I was playing.


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That's not cool man. That shit doesn't give us a good name. Plus, even if he was AFK, there's no need for such hostility.

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Hey man. Great server. Just one thing: It's listed as having cross hairs disabled - but cross hairs are enabled.

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