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[Rangers] "Rangers lead the way" (US based)

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Uhm' date=' we play pretty tactically. We stick to the trees, keep quiet, only fire when needed and at night, only use any source of light when needed. And when we do it's very minimal.

Put it like this, we made one accident and one only. But it attracted like 50 zombies in Elektro. We only lost one teammate out of 4.


^^ I like this A LOT! What timezone does the majority of the Rangers play on?

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free didnt work. vent sucks BTW.

When the earlier poster mentioned free I believe he meant there is no password. We only use Ventrilo so if you don't like it then maybe it would be best to find another group that uses teamspeak?

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these guys are far from "rangers" they are glorified bandits. they have been farming the tent spawn exploit for the past 2 days in preparation for there new server so they can hijack all the vehicles. every 5 minits or so there is some kind of friendly fire these guys are a total joke.

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Wolf it's alright, I'm sure there's a clan out there that's recruiting sombody that joins comm servers and just sits up at the airfield all day and doesn't actually play with them.

P.S I'm fairly sure that I'm 1 out of 3-4~ bandits in the clan.. and yes we do kill everyone not in our clan, I don't cz550 camp a bunch of noobs with pistols. If I see anyone with a rifle ect I will shoot them, period.

And friendly fire? that's a joke right? its happened once in the whole time we've all been playing together and it was because the enemy nametag was showing up on a clan-mate of mine every time I'd look at him.

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these guys are far from "rangers" they are glorified bandits. they have been farming the tent spawn exploit for the past 2 days in preparation for there new server so they can hijack all the vehicles. every 5 minits or so there is some kind of friendly fire these guys are a total joke.

Kind of the point i made in my earlier post, they should not use the ranger title if they don't use ranger tactics.

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Why dont you make your own Ranger clan and stop bitching. Jesus christ. Do you play like Walkertxranger ? pretty sure there wasnt any zombies in that. Does the Guild MyLittlePony have a pony?

Point is, if you wanna be in a clan that uses Ranger tactics, then make it your own. If not, then m.y.o.b.

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Well you call yourselves Rangers without using any tactics or hold any ideals that they teach. It misleads people and makes yourselves look foolish.

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these guys are far from "rangers" they are glorified bandits. they have been farming the tent spawn exploit for the past 2 days in preparation for there new server so they can hijack all the vehicles. every 5 minits or so there is some kind of friendly fire these guys are a total joke.

You were removed because everyone I talked to said they hadnt played with you. So when I have someone sitting in vent talking with a mic that has so much feedback no one can hear what you say' date=' and is not participating, why would we keep you around? From what I understand you were asked to come and join the current group and refused, that was it.

Im not sure who recruited you, as I know I did not. Anyone who thinks sitting in an area with good loot is exploiting needs to play the game more.

Kind of the point i made in my earlier post, they should not use the ranger title if they don't use ranger tactics.

Are you still crying over us having the name rangers? Where in your "Ranger Handbook" is the section covering whining about people in video games? You, my friend, need to grow up and get over it.

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Shutup, jesus christ. How do you know we dont use tactics? have you played with us? you listening to this wolf kid that NEVER played with us. just randomly joined our vent and started boasting about all the gear hes getting. Get outta here kid

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wow, you really love getting mad over the internet, anyway i know people like you. None of you have played arma before this mod, you decided to pick the rangers because the name was cool. You may use some simple tactics, you have to or you die in Arma.

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No, i never played Arma before. Ever. I cant speak for the others. I know some of them have. I didnt decide on picking the name, i dont know who did, i dont care, a name is a name to me. we could be called mylittlepony, it would make no difference. all that matters is that we are a group. Yet again, i dont see how you just assume shit with no facts or evidence. Just another stupid guy. yawn.

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I assume shit, yes. however my assumptions are correct and based on my experiences with arma. Pretty much the entire community uses teamspeak, you use vent. Arma is a realism game, so people try to look realistic with their teams (especially if they base it on a military branch), you fail to do so. Therefore i can determine that you, or at least the majority of you are not from the Arma community, and picked it up for this mod.

People who have this as their only experience with arma are usually not tactical, let alone to any sort of military standard. Your view of tactical is not playing like a retard running around aggroing everything, standard noob stuff.

Also, me posting in this thread has angered you and made it look like your entire clan is made up of 12 year old children. You and your clan get angered easily and are therefore rage filled adults or children that probably play cod.

TLDR: I made your clan look like the pile of shit it is Le trolled hard XXDDDD

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Hi guys, I'm new and I would like to join and learn the ropes to play this game correctly and to be a Ranger! I can't wait, I gotta get my mic first for vent, so I'll be back soon. Just wanna let you guys know because I dunno, I'm really excited to play this for the first time! I'm a part-time student so I can hang with you guys often ;)

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I assume shit' date=' yes. however my assumptions are correct and based on my experiences with arma. Pretty much the entire community uses teamspeak, you use vent. Arma is a realism game, so people try to look realistic with their teams (especially if they base it on a military branch), you fail to do so. Therefore i can determine that you, or at least the majority of you are not from the Arma community, and picked it up for this mod.

People who have this as their only experience with arma are usually not tactical, let alone to any sort of military standard. Your view of tactical is not playing like a retard running around aggroing everything, standard noob stuff.

Also, me posting in this thread has angered you and made it look like your entire clan is made up of 12 year old children. You and your clan get angered easily and are therefore rage filled adults or children that probably play cod.

TLDR: I made your clan look like the pile of shit it is Le trolled hard XXDDDD


You are the coolest, le master troll etc. Now go back to facebook or wherever kids of your age loaf around these days.

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LOL this walker guy is a riot. Hahaha. Never plays with us and lurks this forum just to when he gets the chance call us out as "OMG YOU GUYS AREN'T REALLY RANGERS, YOU HAVE TO BE AN ARMA ELITIST!"

Dude, get over yourself. We do play tactically.

I've never seen anyone get the better of us. So until YOU can, then kindly piss off.

Thank you.

P.S. (Ranger handbook, Ch21) You must be le master troll.


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I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals' date=' and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces.[/quote']

So your Chris Kyle? That's funny. I've interviewed him for my radio show, and you don't act anything like him.

My guess is, you've read his book, and your just a wannabe seal:


TLDR: I made your clan look like the pile of shit it is Le trolled hard XXDDDD

No you didn't. You made me want to join them. If I die in game, I don't care. I'm still having fun playing with these guys. And who cares what they use for voicechat? The quality difference is minimal, and if TS3 is REALLY that big of a deal; I own a hosting company; I'll donate one.

You on the otherhand, are just making yourself out to be a shit headed troll. I don't like playing with shit heads, regardless of how tactical they are.

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My god... I think Legion has a contender for most immature and stupid clan in DayZ

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this needs to be moved to bandit campfire,this rangers group are not survivors! they encorage pointless killing and never ask frendly before shooting.

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Hi all,

Finally registered on the forums so I could post on here. The [Rangers] are a great group of players - mature (all adults), experienced, and cool to hang out with. To all those claiming we do not use tactics, that is incorrect. While we aren't 100% all-military-tactical, we are smart with limiting too much cross-communication between squads on vent, focus on balance between different weapon groups (don't want every player with a sniper rifle), hold perimeter watches/patrols, etc. I hopped on the vent last night and have been playing with them ever since. Been a great time and we have kicked some major ass. As for everyone being "bandits", there are only two or three actual bandits in the group that I know of. If you are in the area we are in, we don't take chances. Part of being a good survivor is knowing how to survive, and trusting everyone will get you killed.

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