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[Rangers] "Rangers lead the way" (US based)

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We are the Rangers. Our group is tight knit and has been unofficially around for a while. We survive on the coast , and in the wilderness alike. When a need arises, we kill, though never lightly.

A ranger must be self sufficient and capable of surviving on his own.

A ranger must be able to asses a situation and make a good call based on instinct.

A ranger must be capable of carrying out a task without being seen or heard.

A ranger must be a good team player, working efficiently to complete a common goal.

Most of all a ranger must be honorable, welcoming the few who we call friends, while eliminating those we deem enemies without compassion or remorse.

We help those we believe to genuinely need it when we can, while not hesitating to eliminate threats.

If you fit this description or aspire to, you may have what it takes to be a Ranger. We are more than happy to help and mold new players. Drop in our TeamSpeak server and say hello.

TS IP: ts.vudoohosting.com

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I'll definitely drop in, sounds like a pretty cool group that has got their act together.

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Hey, I saw a couple of your guys on US1, where my group resides mainly, perhaps we can trade a little in the future.

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I might be interested, I have teamspeak though, so I would have to get Vent, and this weekend will be my first time playing this mod.

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I played with the Rangers last night, and they were very friendly and helpful. In my opinion, very trustworthy people.

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Hey' date=' I saw a couple of your guys on US1, where my group resides mainly, perhaps we can trade a little in the future.


Sure. you can hop in vent if you like. ;)

I might be interested' date=' I have teamspeak though, so I would have to get Vent, and this weekend will be my first time playing this mod.


A few of our members are pretty green, so we are more than happy to help new players.

I played with the Rangers last night' date=' and they were very friendly and helpful. In my opinion, very trustworthy people.


Thanks for the repy, glad to see my guys play nice when Im not on.

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I'm very interested in checking you guys out, though sadly I don't have a microphone for my desktop which would make Vent worthwhile. How much do you guys use Vent in your day-to-day dealings with Zack and his bandit friends?

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Hello, though I haven't been able to get the mod working (yet) I've got plenty of ArmA II experience.

You guys mind if I tag along with your group, and discuss my "credentials" in more detail over vent?

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I'm very interested in checking you guys out' date=' though sadly I don't have a microphone for my desktop which would make Vent worthwhile. How much do you guys use Vent in your day-to-day dealings with Zack and his bandit friends?


If we are online and playing, we are in vent.

Do you guys play on Hardcore servers only or dont really care?

We play both. The beta servers are all hardcore as far as Im aware' date=' and we frequent those the most.

Hello, though I haven't been able to get the mod working (yet) I've got plenty of ArmA II experience.

You guys mind if I tag along with your group, and discuss my "credentials" in more detail over vent?

Not at all, feel free to drop in.

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By the way Apollo, I've joined up. I played with TheYellowMan, Christian, and some other people that I really can't recall. They were all really nice though.

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I'll have to drop by and say Hello when I get home from work.

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How would I get access to play with the other DayZ players? Just ask to be moved?

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I was waiting for someone to make a Ranger group, but i thought it would be the arma community making it, not people who bought it just for dayz. I bet maybe a couple of you played arma before this mod but if you did you would most likely use teamspeak. Add that to the fact that i doubt any of you play tactically let alone follow or have even read the ranger handbook, you just picked it to sound cool. I can't get you to change your name but at least try to be tactical and follow the ranger handbook to a degree if you are going to call yourselves rangers. Anyway, i still like you guys more than legion or some other groups that i know of, good luck.

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Uhm, we play pretty tactically. We stick to the trees, keep quiet, only fire when needed and at night, only use any source of light when needed. And when we do it's very minimal.

Put it like this, we made one accident and one only. But it attracted like 50 zombies in Elektro. We only lost one teammate out of 4.

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How would I get access to play with the other DayZ players? Just ask to be moved?

Open private chat with Vicits or myself and we will run through a couple questions with you' date=' and if we accept you we will give you the pass to the Arma channel.

I was waiting for someone to make a Ranger group, but i thought it would be the arma community making it, not people who bought it just for dayz. I bet maybe a couple of you played arma before this mod but if you did you would most likely use teamspeak. Add that to the fact that i doubt any of you play tactically let alone follow or have even read the ranger handbook, you just picked it to sound cool. I can't get you to change your name but at least try to be tactical and follow the ranger handbook to a degree if you are going to call yourselves rangers. Anyway, i still like you guys more than legion or some other groups that i know of, good luck.

I'm not sure wich "Ranger handbook" you are referring to. Many different groups have had "Ranger" in thier name. I believe the first was the Texas Rangers in the 1820s, but I may be mistaken.

If it's that big a deal to you then drop in vent and apply.

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