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A Plea To The Devs For Law And Order in Dayz SA

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If players were limited to one username only then i could see a bounty hunting system working out. It would have to be player driven though - a player wants a bandit dead he could leave a message somewhere or set up shop and give out bounties. A bounty hunter could roam the land and hunt down bandits for a payment - who knows?

Bandits would become infamous due to their deeds and heroes would be (well, heroes) due to theirs.

However, i am no fan of the capture and tie up suggestion. What could be worse than being captured and kept hostage forever in a game?

I like the bounty idea, there would need to be a unique incentive for bounties though, or a price that posting a bounty would cost the player to post in order to limit grief bountying (Player just putting out mass bounties on anyone and everyone they wish, or if there was a unique bounty reward, to stop people from just abusing it with a buddy or two to stock up on bounty rewards)

As far as tying players up, I really like the idea of a zip tie restraint that would incapacitate the player for a few minutes, or as long as the aggressor is willing to stand there and babysit the captive with a proximity system that was mentioned earlier, the further away the aggressor is from the captive, the easier or quicker the captive would get free.

Edited for spelling.

Edited by GBTP
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Im sure you guys heard about the Prison they are building for Cherno, wouldn't an escape be fun for those of the bandit persuasion...

some inspiration...

Edited by freeman83

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City Life rpg (Cops and Robbers)

Edited by freeman83

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Anyone trying to enforce their law on me or even attempt to get me into a court is going to be force fed beans through their ass.

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I would loooove sitting 4 hours in a cell in a game because some douche thought it was funny to put me there

exactly.. if anyone thinks this "feature" wouldnt get abused to hell, your crazy..

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I don't see this idea as insanely horrible, I mean the alternative is getting shot and start all over again, and if you've spent 10+ hours to get _good_ loot then sitting out perhaps 20-30mins or like a server day cycle (like a maximum of detainment time or whatever) wouldn't be that horrible- for instance all your loot except the ammunition would be returned to you but the requirements of being detained would have to be somethings like shooting friendly players otherwise you can't use handcuffs or whatever, or if you do you would be labeled outlaw and then hunted by other "good" players.

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I dont like it and dont think its authentic. Realisticly i think the end of the world would eradicate the entire legal system. matters of law would be handled by differently by different people, and because of lack of resources death would be the most prominent punishment, that or abandonment. Just my opinion.

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It would be great if you could handcuff the bandit, and rob him blind before leaving him there to struggle to get loose with a 10 min timer, as payback for his crimes :)

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looks like the devs listen :D


a couple of suggestions though:

* remove the current "player remove handcuffs"-system and read through the rest of this post! ^^ -->


* allow players to handcuff both feet and hands

* if a player only has his/her hands cuffed -> let him/her be able to run away but with the risk of falling down and taking damage while when sprinting (trggers can be time, slopes, rain, etc).


* if a player only has his feet cuffed -> allow inventory access to surprise the enemy by pulling out a weapon and killing the enemy then the player can crawl to the enemy body and take the keys to the cuffs and uncuff him/herself


* if a player has both hands and feet cuffed -> let the user be able to roll around and crawl slow 

* allow weapons like crowbar and axe to remove (destroy) the cuffs, and toolbox to remove (keep), also allow the player in cuffs to interact with ground items such as the crowbar or toolbox which the player uses to destroy/remove his/her cuffs.


* an additional crazy experiment would to be and allow the use of vision blocking items like bags, ductape, blacked out goggles etc to prevent the players from running off (imagine having a black screen and only hearing sounds... and then you hear one or several zombies screaming and running towards you.... EEP! :D ), the vision blocker could be removed by the cuffed player by rolling around or crawling backwards on the ground, each item having different resistance, goggles and bag being easy to remove (but doesn't destroy), ductape being worst (but is destroyed in the process).


* Hostile players (the captor) can prevent the players from trying to get out of their cuffs and vision-blocking items by pressing a game key that makes the player model shout at the player, this will FORCE stop the captured player from moving by an in game mechanics (5 seconds "terror freeze" the first shout, 10 seconds second and rest).

This could also be used to get the attention of zombies, so if the captured person doesn't calm down the captor will yell at him/her and aggro a bunch of zombies, it could also be used to get attention from other players or zombies as a bait feature.


* ductape could also be used similar to handcuffs but with less durability.

Edited by SpecOpSpruce

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This is honestly a terrible idea. This is a Zombie Apocalypse, why the fuck would there be laws? The point of DayZ is to survive and create your story, not play along to laws and rules. If you want this kind of experience go play Island Life.

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I think this idea should be transfered to the DayZ Epoch mod forums...

This idea would be great if not for the thoughts on an actual, full out, law system. Locking people in cells is horrible because if you were an absolute arsehole you would stun, cuff and store someone in a prison cell. For no reason at all. Instantly making them leave the server, unlikely to return. The cells would cause so much pain and suffering for people. As seen already wih badmins people eould abuse powers such as being a "police officer" to control people. Tranq. guns would be mich overpowered, as you could find one, then tranq. the first person you see. The idea of DayZ is that a zombie virus has struck this land and now complete anarchy has broken loose. People aren't tryingbto recover government yet. The zombies are too big of an issue. As seen in real life situations it take very long times before government and structure is restored. I just don't see and actual use for this suggestion in the standalone.

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Sounds like more Role-Play would be nessecary. Not too sure on the idea. I can just think of people running rampant in riot cuffs.


This happened to me on a RP server on Multi-Theft-Auto.


I quit. Never played that server again. Game ruining experience. You can't tame Chernarus. You're WAY out-numbered.


I think the same could happen to your idea if it was passed.


All in all....It's not a bad idea. But where do the police fit in a post apocalyptic era? I would shoot every cop in the legs (hoping they break) then tie him up and walk away after I stripped him of everything. Clothes and all. Have fun officer. Enjoy the paperwork if the Zombies don't eat you.


Do cops spawn with guns? Spawn in, go somewhere safe and suicide. Retreive rifle and commence crime spree. 


Picture the Team-Killing cops you would have. How the hell do you work out that bump in the force.


The only police I would liek to see in Stand-Alone Chernarus are the mortifed dead ones trying to eat me. Anyone trying to force a law on me in a sandbox game will die a slow death.


I'm Sorry :(

Edited by Loafy

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good it sounds like the idea of imprisonment is having the desired effect =). I understand your repulsion of the idea, but can you see how effective it would be?

Keep in mind the players implementing "law and order" might have a different view of it than you do. I'm thinking about large ruthless groups that will use those tools for their own interests.

It's most likely what will happen, goodie two shoes are few and far between.


I sort of like more things in the game, but i don't think permanent arbitrary lockup is something we want unless it's very tightly monitored. Regardless of some people's pathetic wail for vengeance, it's still a video games, and i prefer favoring those who take their fun bu force than those waiting for it to drop on them.

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