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Was I in the wrong?

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I help run a private hive owned by my fiance. I do the script work and a lot of in-game administration as well. Tonight we had a pair of players come in with the names "owner" and "not the owner". I used Dart to politely and professionally ask "owner" to change their name to something else as players going by the name "owner" have resulted in some trouble in the past. We also have a member of our host come in and use names as a way to contact us in-game as we are currently having some problems.The player did not respond so I repeated the request. Their friend "not the owner", who I had no problem with, informed me that "owner" was going to change their name in about 30 minutes when the server was to restart. I agreed to that and moved along.

That is when "owner" began to refuse to change their name and get aggressive with me. I explained why we wanted the name change and how they can do it simply at the server restart. They proceeded to call myself several swears after which I kicked them from the server. "not the owner" proceeded to demand my information to which i declined. They stated that they were going to report us to which I explained we were a private hive and not tied to the rules of official servers. He continued to tell me that I was ignorant to the rules and again demanded my information. "owner" returned at this time and again attacked me verbally to which I then banned him citing our rule of respecting staff.

"not the owner" again demanded my information for his "report" and got increasingly nasty towards us even after I explained we had no problem with his name, and again that private hives are seperate from official servers. He stated that because he was not invited to the server and found it in the list that makes it a public server thus making it against the terms to ban people. He got increasingly angry and disruptive and ultimately I chose to ban him as well it was obvious they were not about to drop the conversation and continue to make a scene.

All during this our other players tried to explain to them and to smooth the situation over as much as I was. Afterwards when I asked them if I had been in the wrong, as this all played out over side chat, they agreed with me that I was in the right.

I come here asking as I believe that "not the owner" will come here with their "report" and they told me that I can explain my side of the story. Well here I am. I was simply trying to prevent confusion and possible issues in the beginning and in the end I didn't want their disruptive behavior to effect the server any longer. We take great pride in our server and work hard to make it a safe friendly place for everyone. We have dedicated many days to working on our server and strive to keep it near the top of the No PvP servers.

-Diesel Weasel

Admin & Co-Owner of The Dragon's Lair []

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seems you were right to kick owner, but i think it was abit premature to kick not the owner. but as they were both disrespectful after and didnt adhere to a reasonable request. I think you were right to ban them.

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Hello there

Assuming what you say is true then you have every reason to kick.

If an "Owner" or an "admin" came into my server, I too would ask them to change their name asap. If they chose not to within a reasonable time frame I would re ask, see how they replied and if aggressive would kick/ban.

It's always good to hear both sides. Its usually pretty easy to tell who's telling the truth or not.



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I hadn't wanted to take action on "not the owner" but they repeatedly demanded my information and once "owner" was removed they continued to create a scene to the pint it became obvious it wasn't going to end any time soon. This happened over the course of 20 minutes or so.

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Hello there

I wouldnt worry any more about it. This thread is here if they choose to respond, if not it will happily sink and you can rest easy. TBH you can probably rest easy regardless.

Being an admin or a mod etc is never an easy or simple task.

We all do make mistakes though, so always keep in mind that one is fallable.



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