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ATTENTION: This is for people who have been banned falsely! Hackers Need Not Apply!

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Dafuq? OA was released in 2010 and BE is updated whenever it is needed, since the release of DayZ there have been more than 50 BE Client updates, leave alone the detection routines and server updates...

Also, I'm not against your because you are trying to help, I'm just getting some facts right and bust some myths caused by lack of knowledge, like ^ this.

Someone said that it hadn't been updated since then. Sorry for misrepresenting false info haha.

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Laziness, ignorance, lack of common sense & arrogance are to blame if you have been banned without actually firing off scripts personally (hacking - but that terminology is incorrect). There are PLENTY of sources for loads of information about making DayZ mod run smoother, overclocking, hardware tweaks etc. Look it up you might learn something. Any logical person who has been a PC gamer for a while knows there is no point to downloading "FPS boosters" or any of that shite, because it's usually your shitty machine or mum's laptop to blame and nothing but $$$ and upgrading parts can fix that.

This thread is like a wet bandaid. Instead of trying to address the consequences, why don't you post something to educate those who are naive enough to have their key stolen in the first place?

EDIT: I really hope this discussion continues, there is a lot to be said for the impetuous/impatient nature of some members of the community, & frankly it's sad how many "I wuz not hacking I never hacked in my life plz unban me k thx" threads appear with the OP never having visited the forums before.

Edited by Grunner
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Cd keys are never stolen, they are lost through carelessness.

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Cd keys are never stolen, they are lost through carelessness.

Not necessarily, like I said, some people aren't the most computer savy, and might click on links that look legit on youtube and such, but really aren't.

Laziness, ignorance, lack of common sense & arrogance are to blame if you have been banned without actually firing off scripts personally (hacking - but that terminology is incorrect). There are PLENTY of sources for loads of information about making DayZ mod run smoother, overclocking, hardware tweaks etc. Look it up you might learn something. Any logical person who has been a PC gamer for a while knows there is no point to downloading "FPS boosters" or any of that shite, because it's usually your shitty machine or mum's laptop to blame and nothing but $$$ and upgrading parts can fix that.

This thread is like a wet bandaid. Instead of trying to address the consequences, why don't you post something to educate those who are naive enough to have their key stolen in the first place?

EDIT: I really hope this discussion continues, there is a lot to be said for the impetuous/impatient nature of some members of the community, & frankly it's sad how many "I wuz not hacking I never hacked in my life plz unban me k thx" threads appear with the OP never having visited the forums before.

Like I said, not everyone has played computer games extensively.

I realize that, that's why I recommended Razer Game Booster to people.

I did educate those on what not to do to prevent themselves from getting banned in the first place, had you actually read the thread and my first post.

I hope it does, too. This thread was made to prevent every person from posting that they got banned and what they need to do. The "contact Battleye" repost and constant locking of threads wasn't cutting it, so I thought I'd be helpful and post this.

Btw, if you are stupid enough to get your cd key stolen again, they won't give you another, so you have to buy the game again. I think this is fair for those that get wrongfully banned. BI is able to determine if you hacked the game or not through your IP.

I don't get the pessimism that has escalated with this thread tho. It's just a way to help and I've been bashed for trying to help innocent people lol, so asinine and insane.

Edited by VigilanteRonin

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see this is whats fucked up i got falsley banned and its bullshit to sit here and support a game/mods for the game if people get falsley banned and they jjust look at you as if your some hacking douche well i bet 75 % of the people that get banned are really legit players. if your a hacker you just dont give a fuck and will steal someone elses to key to ruin a good a game or go to some website and get it for a 1$ and thats why 75% of the players that get banned are legit because either battleye is fuckinng up or your key got stolen but for me battleeye fucked up and banned me for no reason but this will obviously not get reslolved in time so my housed on origins will disapear so days/weekss worth of work all down the drain becausse of this state of the art bulllshit anti cheat

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see this is whats fucked up i got falsley banned and its bullshit to sit here and support a game/mods for the game if people get falsley banned and they jjust look at you as if your some hacking douche well i bet 75 % of the people that get banned are really legit players. if your a hacker you just dont give a fuck and will steal someone elses to key to ruin a good a game or go to some website and get it for a 1$ and thats why 75% of the players that get banned are legit because either battleye is fuckinng up or your key got stolen but for me battleeye fucked up and banned me for no reason but this will obviously not get reslolved in time so my housed on origins will disapear so days/weekss worth of work all down the drain becausse of this state of the art bulllshit anti cheat

Well, sorry to hear you got your cd key stolen. Did you download something like the FPS Booster? It's a shame you lost all your stuff on Origins, but just follow what I posted and you should get another cd key, but that's the only one you'll get, so be careful this time and look at the tips to avoid a situation like that again.

I agree with you about BE; I don't really think they are the best anti-cheat, but least we won't have to deal with em in the standalone.

Edited by VigilanteRonin

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Yeah, it's totally BE's fault that the game uses insecure CD-Keys and that people don't even have common sense about maintaining basic internet security on their system.

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Yeah, it's totally BE's fault that the game uses insecure CD-Keys and that people don't even have common sense about maintaining basic internet security on their system.

Regardless, I still don't think they are the top of the line anti-hack service, and I'll be glad when they are gone with the standalone.

Edited by VigilanteRonin

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I think if you supposedly downloaded a fps booster for DayZ and were banned on battleye for it you deserve to be banned. It is dumb to download a fps booster for a game that your PC can not handle, if it can't handle it and you get banned for a modified file, then jokes on you because you could be getting a better PC in the future and you are ruining the chances of being able to play the game if you really want to. I am not saying you will not be able to re-buy the game, its just don't install modifications unless they are supported by the makers of the game.

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