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About xxjxx

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  1. xxjxx

    Loot wont respawn in SA???

    well thats going to make kos happen even more lol
  2. xxjxx

    Melee Weapons

    i like the regular baseball bat it seems ppretty strong i took out 3 people in a set of barracks that had guns lol 1 guy was running into the front shooting at these guys in the back of the barracks, so i ran up behind the 1st guy killed him, then ran to the back and took the other 2 out with the bat it was awesome
  3. xxjxx

    DayZ 1.8 Feedback

    i dislike the new menu because you cant see through it, and when i go to close the back pack it sends me right out off the gear menu then i have to check the body again, i could be doing something wrong though. idk i guess im just use to the old menu, maybe i have to adjust and figure it out but i would of liked it to be just a different color and you can still see through it ...
  4. xxjxx

    I'm screwed

    lol i know what server you play on and you spawn in with a m110 tws and a few 10 0z gold should of just diied because on that server when you combat log a message goes out to all players saying you combat logged if its the server im thinking of. its dayz you die and get over it or go seek revenge afterwards....
  5. could be your internet connection cutting out halfway through
  6. see this is whats fucked up i got falsley banned and its bullshit to sit here and support a game/mods for the game if people get falsley banned and they jjust look at you as if your some hacking douche well i bet 75 % of the people that get banned are really legit players. if your a hacker you just dont give a fuck and will steal someone elses to key to ruin a good a game or go to some website and get it for a 1$ and thats why 75% of the players that get banned are legit because either battleye is fuckinng up or your key got stolen but for me battleeye fucked up and banned me for no reason but this will obviously not get reslolved in time so my housed on origins will disapear so days/weekss worth of work all down the drain becausse of this state of the art bulllshit anti cheat
  7. i was playing on an epoch server and people were getting kicked for a script restriction, i guess it had something to do with the update and the custom stuff the had added but everyone was getting kicked, then i left tat server and found another with custom ai and was just getting geared, repaired a car , heard some guns shots and went to go check it out then global banned, i thought it was a fake one like a bug or something but no it was for real. im very upset duee to the fact im possibly going to loose my houses on my origins server and now i cant even admin it, im so mad about all the hours i put into building and looting all for nothing.. does anyone know if battleye is on point with responding to people or do they just look at all global bans as hackers and just dont care ? well atleast i know that batlleye does really ban legit players, i just hope they will actually help me and not just look at it as if im just some other hacking douche
  8. I have opened a Dayz Origins server but i'm doing pvp every other day, for new players this would give them time to get geared up build a house maybe make a friend or 2 to group with , and then the next day just rage on and so on. There are friendly active admins on usually willing to help so if you would like to come on the server you would have to download it in the install/updates section of Dayz Commander and then you can just search the i.p under your favorites section. The i.p address is
  9. I have opened a Dayz Origins server but i'm doing pvp every other day, for new players this would give them time to get geared up build a house maybe make a friend or 2 to group with, and then the next day just rage on so on. There are friendly active admins on usually willing to help so if you would like to come on the server you would have to download it in the install/updates section of Dayz Commander and then you can just search the i.p under your favorites section. The i.p address is