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Crazy one

Is it a bad thing, that i play without killing

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Wish I could be like you (I don't KOS and I do try to keep murders down but i'm often in elektro and they shoot first) but in my first hour of DayZ I murdered 2 guys in balotas ATC.

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I play this way as well kinda. I tend to horde a good bit and I like building a small group to play with but dayZ is what you make of it, so make it interesting I say. It's an entire world not an elktro free for all deathmatch. Also only one murder... ever it was a bandit trying to kill me.

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I've played DayZ for over 300 hours and haven't shot a single soul. I've came close though many times. I try to keep the Survivor profile so I'm not targeted by either Bandits nor Heroes. Stay a Survivor and DayZ will become very enjoyable :)

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I try to play this way guys but i always get killed on sight! It's impossible to survive this way. I never last more than a day.

I'm guessing you play on very large servers.

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Not at all. Killing players (aka being a Bandit) is also frowned upon some players. Your character and you are in the right spot.

Edited by Storm Slider

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I'm guessing you play on very large servers.

I play on UK 172 (Hardcore) but there aren't too many peoples. I've just been killed with a M240 and there were just 11 players connected. Yesterday a bandit sniper came near my position with an ATV and killed me from an hill. (I tried to hide in a building but i was trapped)

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