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My First Day With ...

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I spawned in...

Fist time, after much work to get the patch to load and work, drew agro almost immediatly from a zombie that was within the spawn area I spawned into. My guess, someone was training zombies through the area.

As I ventured out once I spawned in an area semi-safe...

Auto stood up, 5 times from door stoops, debree in roads and around yards, and openings in fences with a little debree in them.

Was damged and harmed while attempting to crawl into buildings; causing death, broken limbs, bleeding wounds, shock and auto standing. Also, was unable to crawl up stairs.

While crawling across a field, someone trained zombies across me and I drew agro off them *sighs*

While rising into a crouch to enter buildings I drew agro a few times from zombies coming form other side of building. Didn't happen everytime.

While searching spawn areas, found large areas with empty spawn spots and no sign of other players. Also, found a couple spawns in unreachable locations. IE, in the air fairly high up.

When, I did find a few barns with spawed items. I only found, ammo, Vehicle parts, fuel cans, empty tin stuff, flares/chem lights, and barbed wire/ tank traps. No weapons and, very little food or drink. May I was having a bit of bad luck; however, when I did find weapons in electro, I only came across two newbee spawn pistols during my four attempts at exploring electro.

Zombie agro, seemed at a very LONG range. Might be due to the increase in noise you make crouched; not sure on that part. However, I drew agro a few times crawling and I didn't think I was that close.

SO, I did find not having a weapon far more challanging, it just takes SOOOO long to crawl to any place with spawns for food, drink, and weapons. *Hopes on soap box* I refused to TRAIN zombies like in some PUG game. (Sorry) *steps off soap box*

I think, if the Item spawns are tweaked and bit. As well as, maybe the noise/veiw of crouch and crawl tweaked a bit to player favor. It might make agro a bit less if your careful and stealthy.

I did manage to stealth about. It is just takes a LARGE amount of boring time waiting on zombie movement. And, in heavier zombie spawn areas and no wepaon. Almosy impossible to get into without dieing or doing the TRAIN RUSH (which I refuse to do).

Well, thanx for reading this if you did *grins*

Hope, this helps a bit with looking into ways to tweak the newest addition.

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Watching videos on YouTube, people are crouch running with zombies all around them at 20 ft or so. When I'm crawling prone and zombie 30 ft away will come kill me.

I'm just starting and not very good, but the zombies seem to aggro very very easily now.

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Yes, zombies are so sensitive and they move like super man. I've found that, for the time being, it's best to just run. They will not overtake you and they won't damage you. Train 50 of them fuckers if you have to (preferably not INTO other players). At the first opportunity, duck into a building. That will give you time to look for some stuff and plot your next move. As for the ladders, I've found that most zombies are unlikely to follow you up (though they can and do once in a while).

IMHO it's pointless to stealth this game right now. You are going to be discovered no matter how careful you are. Zombies can see through objects, buildings, etc. and they can see you from a loooooong way away.

If I were you, I would play aggressively.

Good luck,


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Playing on 1.3 so I might not have the issues you had but stealth still works, you just have to take care of where the zombies are looking/facing. I don't think the Zeds argo range or what ever changed too much from 1.4 too 1.4, but I could be wrong.

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Playing on 1.3 so I might not have the issues you had but stealth still works' date=' you just have to take care of where the zombies are looking/facing. I don't think the Zeds argo range or what ever changed too much from 1.4 too 1.4, but I could be wrong.


Their detection distance was increased when Rocket changed their LOS from their bodies to their heads. They will see you much, much sooner now unless you are prone.

Also, I've noticed that they can see through building and objects. Many times I've seen them running around corners to get me where they couldn't possible have seen me. Probably due to their super human hearing.

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Playing on 1.3 so I might not have the issues you had but stealth still works' date=' you just have to take care of where the zombies are looking/facing. I don't think the Zeds argo range or what ever changed too much from 1.4 too 1.4, but I could be wrong.


Their detection distance was increased when Rocket changed their LOS from their bodies to their heads. They will see you much, much sooner now unless you are prone.

Also, I've noticed that they can see through building and objects. Many times I've seen them running around corners to get me where they couldn't possible have seen me. Probably due to their super human hearing.

The problem for me is balance

If im at full run going past at distance id expect aggro if im close enough

If im at crouch run and i do something stupid then yes aggro again

But if im at crouch walk id expect to be able to sneak around when possible with prone reserved for the

Oh $hit there's one over there moments..

Prone should be reserved for tight spots to get somewhere, it should not be mandatory from 200 mts out

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i know what you mean, i was steathy to get inside a building, and when i got out , i was forced to crouch walk out of it , and when i set the first step outside 5 zombies saw my, from like 30meters away wth

i am skilled in dayZ but now it is impossible to do anything without being seen :/

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Yeah, I was in stary sobor crawling around and picking up food for blood regeneration when my character suddenly got up as I tried to get through a doorway. Needless to say seven zombies immediately pounced on me and knocked me out on the first hit.

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Rocket is already working on another hotfix that will remove superhearing from Zeds so hopefully we will get rid of Zeds aggroing through buildings etc.

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To my surprise, I crawled into a construction site (the building was PACKED with zombies), cooked some meat even though a zombie was standing next to me, and crawled out without a fight.

Don't get me wrong though, I was scared sh**less the whole time.

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Yes, if we are expected to "adapt", then that's exactly what I've been doing. I don't even try to be stealthy anymore I just run full speed through every town and just duck out into buildings when I am in trouble.. realistic?... no... but that's what it's come down too..

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Rocket is already working on another hotfix that will remove superhearing from Zeds so hopefully we will get rid of Zeds aggroing through buildings etc.

The problem is LOS...

"dayzdevteam Major bug quashed with next update in the line-of-sight checking, infected perform much better - look forward to the hotfix!"

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