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(Solved) *Unable to Bandage.. (Can Eat/Drink)*

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Versions: 103718 / (Both "Up to Date")

The Short: I am interrupted when bandaging, either myself or another player (applies to Blood Bags as well). Also on a Private Server with Base Building I am interrupted when attempting to place structures, which seems to be the same issue. This happens on both official and unofficial servers, but not all of them. I can do just about everything else with no issues what-so-ever, and of course I am not moving during the bandage process.

What happens?

I open my inventory, right click the bandage, and left click or press Enter to begin Bandaging myself (or similar processes for the other things I cannot do). The bandage is then taken from my inventory and the animation begins then is immediately interrupted, then the bandage appears back into my inventory and my character stands up abruptly.

Additional information:

I can: Repair Vehicles, Drink, Eat, Use other Medication, Combine Ammunition, Create Fireplaces, Cook Meet, Gut Animals, Place Tanktraps and similar, Pickup items directly, and just about everything else that uses an animation.

When using added things such as "Self-Blood" or "Base Building" on Private Servers where this issue persists, I receive a clear message stating that it was interrupted. While base building, it states that it was cancelled because I moved.

I have completely reinstalled everything under 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead' , and am using Steam to install A2/A2OA, and DayZCommander/SixLauncher for DayZ (Though I have tried Steam as well). Along with many other attempts at launching DayZ with other options, but with no success.

I have attempted using a different mouse and keyboard under the impression that perhaps they are doing something whacky to make the game think I am moving, I do not touch either one after clicking or pressing Enter to begin the process.

There are no Errors when starting the game nor connecting to a server. However, within the 'error log' of sorts, this appears quite a lot both before and after the reinstallation:

Error in expression <typeName; remExFP = 1; publicVariable "remExFP";>

Error position: <; remExFP = 1; publicVariable "remExFP";>

Error Invalid number in expression

Thank you all very much for your assistance, I truly do appreciate it as it is very frustrating trying to play solo and not being able to simply bandage myself.

Edited by Banes

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De-sync? (i know nothing..but it sounds like bad de-sync to me)

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Possibly, checking the Player menu there is '0' Desync listed for me, assuming that's relevant. My ping is rather good on the server.. based on what Desync sounds like it would take a few moments for it to happen would it not? I've relogged and restarted many times while attempting to fix it and straight after logging in the issue is there.

It's possible though, anyone know more about this?

Edited by Banes

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try deleting everything in

C:\Users\YOUR USER HERE\AppData\Local\ArmA 2 OA

start the game as admin so you dont run into any batteye errors and then see if it works

if it doesn't go back into that folder and there is a file called arma2oa.RPT you can open it in a text editor and see if any errors appear relating to it

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Edit, misread the first suggestion. I'm trying that now.

Before removing the files, this error appeared an awful lot:

Error in expression <typeName; remExFP = 1; publicVariable "remExFP";>

Error position: <; remExFP = 1; publicVariable "remExFP";>

Error Invalid number in expression

After removing the files and reanalyzing (The issue still persists):

Spammed many many times one after another:

Warning Message: Variable '_control' does not support serialization. Call 'disableSerialization' in the current script (maybe '') if you need to use it.

And the good old: (this appears nearly a dozen times after running DayZ and logging into a server once.

Error in expression <typeName; remExFP = 1; publicVariable "remExFP";>

Error position: <; remExFP = 1; publicVariable "remExFP";>

Error Invalid number in expression

I'll try manually starting it as Administrator, thank you.

No luck there either, even went as far as creating a beta patch shortcut with the -mod=@DayZ parameter, and running it as administrator.

Edited by Banes

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have you deleted the whole @dayz folder and reinstalling dayz

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Hi, thank you for the reply!

Yes, I have deleted it and reinstalled.

I completely removed absolutely everything within the "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead", folder. (The folder was completely empty, not even a folder left). Then reinstalled Arma 2 OA through steam, followed by DayZ through DayZCommander.

Sadly I cannot seem to find anyone having this issue, except one person discussing a different version of the DayZ Mod with a reply only stating that it does not appear to be an error from that different mod - so no solution there.

As far as I can tell based on the obvious, for some reason or another it thinks I am moving or something along those lines when I most certainly am not, and only when doing those few select things.

Edited by Banes

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how abaout your profile did you delete that

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--Edit-- Deleting the Profile and remaking it under the same name has completely solved the issue from what I can see. Bandages, Self Blood, and Base Building all work with no issues at all.

Thank you good Sir! You have my beans! lol

Edited by Banes
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No problems mate. It could of only been a few things. It's just a case of going through each one

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