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Can't re-install battleye

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Alright whenever I join a game, battleye gives me this thing saying: You have been kicked battleye restriction#0. or something like that. People told me to re-install battleye using steam, right clicking on Arma 2. However that option doesn't show up. Is there an idiot proof way to re-install battleye?

I can't join 90% of servers

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Happens to me on some servers. Copy the ip from commander and join manually from the game. Should let you in works everytime for me.

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Alright whenever I join a game, battleye gives me this thing saying: You have been kicked battleye restriction#0. or something like that. People told me to re-install battleye using steam, right clicking on Arma 2. However that option doesn't show up. Is there an idiot proof way to re-install battleye?

I can't join 90% of servers

What's the exact kick message? In case of Restriction #X, Re-Installing won't fix anything.

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