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Let me know when we have better starting items

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here's an idea: Spawn, and run the fuck inland. Find a road and follow it, raid barns and shit for weapons


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i think the entire game will benefit from your absence. i won't be letting you know about anything

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LOOL, i started with nothing, now i have:

M4A3 CCO - 5 mags

G17 - 3 mags

some shotgun in my backpack

bloodpacks, food, water, pepsi/coke and a alice pack.

simple as, l2p, iv been playing for 5 days.

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lol guys he post because he cares about the game, and you guys who bashes him are like swtor fan boys. if everyone bash everyone and everyone leaves the effect is tortanic.

we dont want dayz to become like tortanic do we? then start caring about TC

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I like the idea of spawning without a weapon, but they could increase the weapon drop or remove the zombies from the buildings where weapons spawn.

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lol guys he post because he cares about the game' date=' and you guys who bashes him are like swtor fan boys. if everyone bash everyone and everyone leaves the effect is tortanic.

we dont want dayz to become like tortanic do we? then start caring about TC


But bashing is so much fun mom!

And if a lot of them actually bought OA only for some instant beach shootouts and mindless bean-wars... well then

High Five for BIS!


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Yeah' date=' not going to bother with this anymore. It's bad enough this game is glitchy as fuck (no fault of rocket) but rubbing salt into the literal wound by giving us nothing but a bandage and painkillers on start is just stupid. So let me know when this has been fixed so I can play again. Thanks.


Yep no worries, we'll send you an email.

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Being defenseless = not fun at all.

So don't aggro zeds, and avoid contacts with other players. If you die, at least you'll know you haven't lost much.

I think you have to imagine the context of the game, you wake up on the shore and a zombie apacolypse is ruining the land. Do you think you would conveniently wake up with a plethora of gear? Did Cillian Murphy in 28 Days Later wake up with a Makarov and 5 mags? If I was rocket, I'd be *especially* cruel and make you start with nothing except perhaps a watch or compass. Okay, a flashlight too.

I hope rocket never changes this. Imagine the emotion and delight when you've finally found a weapon.

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i started on a island, lost my mophium while i was swimming to the coast, 10 min later i had a makarov ... 40 min late i had a ak-74 and later a m1911.

then zombies broken my bones, i crawled for 40 min to the next city to find morphium ... xD

welcome to DayZ, the end of mankind and humanity. :idea:

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-I'm from Texas. Literally everyone on my street owns some sort of firearm. At my work' date=' at least 50% of my coworkers own at least one firearm. If the zombie apocalypse was happening, don't you think you'd grab at least some form of self defense? Having no way to deal with zeds after spawn outside of running like hell is a terrible design decision.


Will I tell him or does someone else want to.....

This game is not a simulation of your street in Texas !

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I wouldn't mind starting with no gun I that didn't leave me 100% defenseless. My last game I knew this other player wanted to kill me, but what could I do?

I don't care about starting with a gun, but at least let me punch or maybe even choke people out if I sneak up on them from behind.

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Stop whining. It's an improvement.

- Having a starter pistol was far too convenient

- Getting rid of it makes survival more brutal and challenging at the start

- It makes you care more about dying and going back to square one

- Not that I've found. Two people with a flashlight are just as effective at killing zed's as one person with a flashlight. And to bandits' date=' you're just an even better target because they'll get two bandages.

- It discourages PvP killing along the coast and instead encourages cooperation

- It also shifts the emphasis away from PvP encounters back onto zombies. Zombies simply weren't a danger at all before

- In terms of realism, it makes a lot more sense



-With these new zeds, you're lucky to find even a basic starting pistol

-Very yes, but mostly because you're gonna be stuck at square one for a while.

-You're correct in saying this, but doesn't it make sense that people with weapons that can kill you from half a click away should be more concerning than a shambling, unintelligent creature?

-I'm from Texas. Literally everyone on my street owns some sort of firearm. At my work, at least 50% of my coworkers own at least one firearm. If the zombie apocalypse was happening, don't you think you'd grab at least some form of self defense? Having no way to deal with zeds after spawn outside of running like hell is a terrible design decision.

there are server settings correct? so why cant servers just take away your starting weapon if that server does not want you to start with one. Why does the entire side chat have to go away, when some people might want one, just make it a server choice, and if your ever on a server that does not take away the thing you do not want, you can either ignore it, or drop your weapon to make it harder. I SEE no point in making the game this hard when some people liked how it was, why not give those people actual choice instead of telling people to fuck off.

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Bunch of babies! I've had no issues stocking myself up after every respawn. Which were due to other players and not zeds. Shit if it were up to me, I'd want it so that we start off with shit considering you wake up in the middle of no where in a zombie apocalypse.

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Yeah' date=' not going to bother with this anymore. It's bad enough this game is glitchy as fuck (no fault of rocket) but rubbing salt into the literal wound by giving us nothing but a bandage and painkillers on start is just stupid. So let me know when this has been fixed so I can play again. Thanks.


Yep no worries, we'll send you an email.

Thanks :)

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Yeah' date=' not going to bother with this anymore. It's bad enough this game is glitchy as fuck (no fault of rocket) but rubbing salt into the literal wound by giving us nothing but a bandage and painkillers on start is just stupid. So let me know when this has been fixed so I can play again. Thanks.


I love starting that way and it takes about 15 minutes of moderate effort to kit up, so maybe you should man up

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I think it was a great idea, less bandits who just spawned and had "nothing to loose" now everything what you find in the beginning is important :)

(english is not my main language....)

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It just occurred to me why so many kids download hacks these days.

Some just seem absolutely fecking useless at gameplay.

Also this could all change tomorrow. Rocket may make us all spawn with nothing but pink day glow boxer shorts and a donald Trump wig for protection.

It's an Alpha game in development and he is trying ideas out.

Did no one tell you that you are an Alpha tester looking for bugs ?

Not liking the no weapon is fine and your feeback about it should be given.

But no one cares if your going to ragequit.

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I can't see anything realistic in having no kind of any weapon for your self defense.

Cause in Reality - if my Life would depend on it - I'd kill that motherf**in' Zombies barehanded (if I could ;P)

I also can't seem to outrun any Zombies. As soon as one recognicez me, I have to run away. Which instantly draws more attention on me and more and more Zombies are chasing me. I tried to run out of a group of 3 Zombies for about 20min. Just made no sense :|

very annoying, esp. if you don't find any weapon anywhere :<

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Yeah' date=' not going to bother with this anymore. It's bad enough this game is glitchy as fuck (no fault of rocket) but rubbing salt into the literal wound by giving us nothing but a bandage and painkillers on start is just stupid. So let me know when this has been fixed so I can play again. Thanks.


if you want something changed, I would suggest going to the suggestions forum and writing up a comprehensive post detailing:

-what you want

-why it benefits the gameplay experience

-why it is an improvement over the current system

-possible bias and appropriate compensation

saying "ITS BAD BECAUSE IT IS" does nothing to convince anyone you are correct or that your argument has merit, and does not consider rocket's, nor anyone else's, opinions and reasonings on the subject.

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Yeah' date=' not going to bother with this anymore. It's bad enough this game is glitchy as fuck (no fault of rocket) but rubbing salt into the literal wound by giving us nothing but a bandage and painkillers on start is just stupid. So let me know when this has been fixed so I can play again. Thanks.


Gear without skill will not help you to survive.

tl;dr. l2p

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Yeah' date=' not going to bother with this anymore. It's bad enough this game is glitchy as fuck (no fault of rocket) but rubbing salt into the literal wound by giving us nothing but a bandage and painkillers on start is just stupid. So let me know when this has been fixed so I can play again. Thanks.


Don't listen to the Hardcore Sim White Knight Patrol Squad that hangs out on these forums constantly bootlicking as much as then can. A lot of us agree with you man, from a game stand point if people are quitting before they play the game for 2 hours its bad for all us! PM if you want some tips on getting weapons. And I'll try to PM you if it gets a little less ridiculous if you really are done!

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