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OEM (DayZ)

Cross server duping and missing vehicles

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Hey Dayz community,

Just wanted to report some strange behaviour, and maybe get some explanations / confirmations from other people.

Thus far the following has been happening to me: I have been playing on NZ servers, v1.7.7.1 and I am mostly focussed on repairing vehicles. I set up a couple tents on a server, and repaired an ATV and parked it there. Also found a tractor and parked it there too.

When the server restarted the tents, ATV and tractor that I had saved to a certain server were duplicated across ALL NZ servers. I can log into any server and sure enough my stuff will be there, and not to mention there are a bunch of weapons and items in these vehicles as well. So I have a DMR in the tractor, + over 10 servers, each with a tractor = I can server hop and get 10 DMRs...

Then I repair an Offroader and park it at camp. Instead of it now being saved to / appearing on all servers like my other things, it has disappeared... obviously I assume it was stolen and my camp compromised... So I set up another camp, way out in the northern mountains where no one will find it, then I spend a ton of time finding and repairing another offroader and park it at my new camp.

I log in this morning (to the same spot on a couple different servers), sure enough the tents have duplicated across servers, but the offroader is missing again. I don't understand what's going on. I'm pretty sure my vehicles are being deleted / reset back to spawn when the server resets, but why are my tents being copied onto different servers? Why is my tractor copied across multiple servers, but not my offroader? Is anyone else having similar issues?

All I really care about is whether this is a bug or not, since that would mean finding / repairing vehicles is a waste of time as they'll just keep disappearing and I'll stop doing it. If someone is stealing my stuff, fine, I'll change camp sites again, hide things better, blah blah... But with the tent / tractor behaviour, something is definitely wrong with how the servers are treating certain objects... right?

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Is this a private hive? If this is a private hive you need to report it to the admin of those servers as it sounds like a database issue and so is a problem at their end.

If its on the public hive then you should report it here


It shouldn't be possible for tents and vehicles to duplicate across multiple servers as each server has its own separate database that handles vehicles and tents.

Best bet is to report it to the admins of those servers so they can investigate the issue and report it to the dev team with more info.

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Thanks for the reply, it's Public HIVE and I'll report it on the thread you linked.


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