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[Feedback] About Stealth

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Hello, some feedback about stealth, I try to be the shortest I can

The ratio enterable building / stealth difficulty seems (to me) unbalanced.

When we come to a small town there is already "a lot" of infected. No prob with that. Problem is you will maybe have 1 enterable structure and MAYBE loot inside and maybe interresting loot.

I love to prone between zombie with an m9 silenced to clean my path. (I am lucky to have a silent weapon) --> Prone + m9 sd works flawlessy.

But, some structures required to be entered at least in crouch stance or you can broke leg or never be able to enter. If you have a z a lil too close and no more sd ammo... ONE single crouch walking step and you got the 9 others going agro. Kinda frustrating, specially when there is no loot inside.

Lot of infected inside buildings preventing any stealth tentatives. I don't know if there are brought there by players or spawning there but it's very annoying.

When prone you are almost invisible (no sound + 1 eye bar) why not to be totally invisible (0 eye bar) when proning holding shift. This move is very very slow and could offer a total stealth. The option is available in arma you could make it usefull in dayz.

The fact that running and firing a gun is the same amount of bars seems unbalanced.

I won't say the actual detection system is ruining the experience since it's not, but I find there a lot of frustrations maybe not necessary.

I think it would be great that the gun sound would be a lil more penalizing while the basic move would be more forgiving because too much stealth ruins the stealth, for now it s far more interresting to run like crazy everywhere sit in a building and fire z 1 by 1 wich is boring and not really the point I think.

Thanks for this awesome game.

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I agree, I have to prone crawl everywhere and I only played for 2 hours, and twice I crawled over a tire in the road or over a stairway and my character just stands up and starts sprinting. I'm too impatient to crawl through a city and when I blow all my progress like that it's not as fun as 1.7.0

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obligatory statement about alpha, but yeah. The game plain isn't as fun as it was in 1.7.0 now that zeds are apparently jesus and can see your soul from miles away. I definitely don't agree with how running is as loud as firing a lee enfield, nor how crouch walking is as loud as firing a makarov. It plain doesn't make sense if the whole point of the game is "realism".

Methinks some major balancing is required before the whole system is something that makes intuitive sense.

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