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Using DayZ Chat system problem.

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Recently I have come to discover that I can not speak in game. I can not speak on any channel(Side, Direct, Vehicle, or Group). My mic works fine with TS3, Skype, and Ventrillo. For some unknown reason, I can't use the in game voice. If anyone knows a fix for it, please let me know. Thanks.

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Make sure it's set as the default mic and default communications mic. Other than that do a google search, I remember it being an issue at some point and there were some fixes

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If your using usb headset, try using the line in and out headset/mic ports instead if you have an amp, game seems flaky by usb for mic but fine via these.

Ye though game seriously should have a mic test in the options........

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Check DayZ ingame options an go to Audio Settings if your Microphone setting notch is set to mute no one can hear you.

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Maybe they disabled VON ? lots of servers do cause of annoying people who talk shite.

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Maybe they disabled VON ? lots of servers do cause of annoying people who talk shite.

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This happens to me on every server I play on. I just want the ability to use direct chat(speak in game with my mic). No one knows how to fix this?

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